Weekly Chat, Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy Sunday all UK folks and Hi to those in the Eastern US and Down Under and, of course, Auntie in Finland.  Don't forget to check out the last posts from last week; I'll be back later to check on them myself!


  • Good Morning Day to all!

    I know just what Alan means about the weather, 'tis very gloomy here as well. Makes me soooo sleepy and want to hibernate just like the bears do.

    I had a speedy response about the owls vs. peregrines vs. osprey question from a worker at the Xcel King Plant. He indicates he hasn't heard about any squabbles amongst the different birds but that most of the plant employees aren't interested in the birds to begin with. He was nice enough to provide a photo of the plant with the location of each nest box highlighted:

    Speaking of the Raptor Resource nests, the Eagles at Decorah Iowa are finally prepping their nest for the season so we should be seeing more activity there very soon. I was worried they might move elsewhere this year but the significant changes to the nest show otherwise. Here is the link again in case anyone needs it and again, it's a 24 hour live cam so is easily viewable to all: http://www.luther.edu/eaglecam/

    Happy Friday!


  • Latest tweet from Simon KIng in Africa:

    Had an eclipse of the sun this morning in the Mara. Eerie! SK 

  • Unknown said:

    Latest tweet from Simon KIng in Africa:

    Had an eclipse of the sun this morning in the Mara. Eerie! SK 

    Some great eclipse pictures here Alan. See http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1243436/Solar-Eclipse-January-2010-Sun-turns-blazing-ring-glory.html

    By the way do not be fooled by that headline longest solar eclipse for 1000 years. The longer an annular eclipse the worse it is. So the headline could well have read "worst solar eclipse for 1000 years".

  • Caerann    That is a fantastic picture of the peregrine and osprey nests. It really shows the relationship well.

  • Hi everyone.

    After yestarday's slight snowfall, the thaw is now well underway.  I reckon in a week or two all the snow will either be melted or washed away.

    A warm welcome to Robert The Bruce.

    Alan:  Thanks for the clip of Jewel being rescued.  I'm glad everything turned out well.  Sorry to hear about Hamish being depressed.  Hope the afternood walk cheers him up.

    OG:  Great to hear you can see the green stuff on your lawn again.  Hopefully a good spring and summer will see the brown squishy stuff turn to nice green stuff.

    dibnlib:  Sorry to hear you and Dave have been unwell.  Glad your both on the mend now.  My condolances on the aunt who passed away.

    Tiger:  Thanks for posting the link to the eclipse pictures.  Stunning images.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Caerann: Thanks for image of power plant and Alan:  thanks for link to eclipse pix. Fascinating!


  • Busy this week, first week back to evening class type things after the snow, have just caught up three days of chat.  Snow all washed away today, except where it's been made into big piles, just the odd patch to keep you watchful. My local pet shop has nearly sold out of peanuts. She was bagging them up and they were out of the door.  My blackbirds have been in a lot for them, and now I have my christmas present feeding station up, the robins are enjoying peanuts from the tray rather than having to try and hang off the feeder I have in the buddleia.

    Gary,  I had my last two pieces of chocolate orange yesterday. Yum, have to wait now until my birthday for another. Are you in England now?

    Thanks all for links and pics.

    Terry in Cumbria

  • Tiger : Thanks for the link to the eclipse pictures. Great viewing.

    Just been watching 3 elk on the Estonia forest cam 1. First time I have seen them on there. Unfortunately they did not stay long and have gone now.

  • Better day, expecting 27 C after 32 C yesterday. I have added steak pie to the wee freezer section of our fridge. Next will be chicken croquettes. And I still haven’t done the ironing!!!!!!   It has been great to read all the news and "see" you all emerge from the snow. Dibnlib – get well soon. Annette – Bother, bother, bother (re car). As if you haven’t enough on your plate. Caerann – The overall view of the power plant puts them in perspective. Thanks.

    Adelaide is all a-fuss over the Tour Down Under. Especially over Lance Armstrong who has been paid an undisclosed sum to stir up the media hype – oh, and ride as well. He spontaneously (?) suggested the public could ride with him this morn on his practice run from Glenelg to Semaphore through beachside suburbs. Quickly (?) marquees, toilets, sausage sizzle have been installed. I am amused that the police have been planning it for weeks – they will close roads and provide a police escort. It seems everyone is riding a bike, well this week anyway.

  • Hello all. 

    George and OG The road from Grantown to Forres goes over Dava Moor, which is quite high and exposed.  he road from Aviemore to Grantown is the A95.  The Traffic Scotland website has 'live-eye' cameras on A9 at Drumochter and the Slochd, also on A95 at Grantown.  It should be possible to get an idea about road conditions on Sunday night or first thing Monday.. I hope your son travels safely, OG.