Weekly Chat, Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy Sunday all UK folks and Hi to those in the Eastern US and Down Under and, of course, Auntie in Finland.  Don't forget to check out the last posts from last week; I'll be back later to check on them myself!


  • Unknown said:

    On PBS tonight at 8pm EST documentary on hummingbirds.

    Thanks, Alan. I am sooo looking forward to that program!!! I hope that people outside the US can watch it at some time.

  • Alan - thanks for posting Garten - she does look like a survivor.   I have several captures saved, and each bird printed on coasters, and I love to be reminded of their story every time I see them.

    Thanks for dropping in before escaping the heat of your computer, AQ.  I hope you are not melting - we keep repeating it, but drink plenty and take life very gently!

    Getting ready for bed now - been quite a productive day, including finishing the article I was writing for the church magazine.  I am the editor so keep pushing everyone else, but usually end up trying to write something myself at the last minute!  I've also typed up all the handwritten bits that have arrived on my desk, so I'm well ahead to start putting it all together this week.  Good night!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Garten so reminds me of Flag the hugely charismatic third chick in the DPOF nest in 2006. He was a born survivor even though it was incredibly tough for him. I never realised how close he came to death until I saw the fate of the Wee Yin at Loch Garten in 2008.

    The number one chick in the nest was called Star and the number two was called Stripe. It was Stripe who was particularly vicious to Flag. However on June 22 , 2006  Flag had a little vicory. I will never tire of watching it but to see it live (as I did) was beyond compare. I immediately knew I had seen something so very very special.

    Here is what I wrote at the time.

    Yes I think I will have to revise my all time favourite moment in watching this cam. I think it will now be that wonderful moment when Flag pecked Star in the rump and somehow Star blamed Stripe and gave him a good hiding. Best of all Flag snuck in and got a meal.

    Flag had a cunning plan and boy did he need one.

    Here it is to watch and enjoy. Watch at  http://puleston.osprey.bnl.org/OspreyFund/HighlightClips/060622_2047-my-turn.rm

    We do not know if Flag was male but we always thought he was.



  • Hi everyone.

    I was out earlier cleaning the bird food trays, in preparation for morning.  It didn't feel as cold as the last few nights and the bird bath water hadn't frozen.

    Lindybird:  I can't believe you're contemplating decorating, just after the new year.  I don't know if I could handle that sort of upheaval just after Christmas.

    OG:  Honestly, the years since I was about 13 have flown past and they seem to be getting faster every year.

    Alan:  Thanks for the screen capture of Garten.


    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Oops!  Forgot to say: Thanks for the video link Tiger.  That was wonderful to watch.




    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Tiger: I loved that picture of the cardinal bird feeding the goldfish! Wonderful!

  • AQ, hope you get some tasks gone.

    Tiger, thanks for the clip. I watched that before and it was incredible. To see it happen must have been something else.


    Stay warm Diane and Caerann, think you've got some chilly weather your way!

    Have good Monday's everyone

  • Hi, Hummingbird People:

    Here's a video of the courtship ritual of an extremely rare hummingbird that is nearly extinct. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/04/070419-bird-video.html

    Here are videos of 11 different hummingbirds. The pop-up advertisements are a pain, but just "X' them closed. The videos are really stunning.  http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2007/01/hummingbirds/hummingbirds-video-interactive

    Here are some lovely photographs of various types of hummingbird. http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2007/01/hummingbirds/mazariegos-photography

    I hope you folks outside the US can watch these.

  • Good Night/Morning to All!

    This little bird would be glad to tell you just how cold it's been here. I looked out our back door to see this house sparrow trying to keep warm by huddling under the neighbor's window on Friday morning:


    The hummingbird program was terrific and filled with all those beautiful little creatures and all of you bird lovers must see it somehow or the other. I loved the surprise special guest, the Cooper's Hawk and how it's theorized they make good neighbors with their predation practices possibly protecting the nesting hummers. We've decided we're putting a hummer feeder in the garden in addition to cultivating more flower varieties that they like. We get the Ruby-throated species here but they frequent the neighbors who have the climbing orange trumpet flowers and not our yard, yet.

    John has told me the Ruby-throated at his property in Wisconsin are very bold and will fly right up to him as though giving him an inspection.  Now he knows to be more careful when they're there in the warmer weather and not swat blindly if he hears buzzing just out of his sight, thinking it's a bee or a fly. We don't know what they're attracted to yet as his property is in a heavily wooded and very rural area so perhaps they're nesting there or are attracted to some flora yet to be seen.

    I've enjoyed catching up with everyone's postings. I hope all of you are keeping warm/cool and staying upright.    =O)

    Ciao for now!


  • Evening all:  Good day but exhausted now. Daughter and I went off for drive to visit local ranches to see how much horse boarding costs in this area   After we picked ourselves up off the floor...........     

    Tiger: Wonderful links; loved the one showing the revenge of Flag!  Reminded me so of our trio!

    PBS's Hummingbirds: Magic in the Air was fabulous. Amazing video, slowed down thank heaven, of these little creatures.  Alan: Some time earlier this year you mentioned their incredibly fast heart rate; well, turns out that drops to 43 or so beats a minute during the night.   And yes, Caerann I too enjoyed the guest appearance of the Coopers Hawk. 

    Anyway, falling asleep now. Have a good Monday all;  Enjoyed all the posts even if I didn't respond. Take care.