Weekly Chat, Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy Sunday all UK folks and Hi to those in the Eastern US and Down Under and, of course, Auntie in Finland.  Don't forget to check out the last posts from last week; I'll be back later to check on them myself!


  • Morning all from TI,

    Tiger : Thanks for the link to the davesgarden site. Some good osprey shots there.

    Well it seems to be exceptionally hot in Australia and it has been exceptionally cold in UK.

    But which is worst?

    Theres only one way to find out.

    FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    (With apologies to Harry Hill)

    The snow has melted somewhat overnight and the birdbath is clear of ice. Still some slushy type snow on roads and pavements but if this keeps up it will all be gone by evening. Hurrah!!!!

    Just a quick mention of the 2nd part of Wallander on BBC1 tonight at 9.00 p.m. Excellent.


    Temp 2.1c , Wind NE 5.4mph , Barometer 1018.5hPa steady , Sunrise 08:07 , Sunset 16:08. 

  • Discovered I get time for multi-tasking during data input!

    DjoanS – lovely description of the “playing” crows – might be related to “dust-bathing” in dry weather.

    Wattle – my feet swell at 21 degrees, and I am usually barefoot indoors all year – including during the current cold weather!  18-20 degrees outside temp is my ideal.

    Very slow drip thaw here this morning – still a long way to go, and light snow forecast Monday!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Operation Snowclear may run into some controversy! The TV show Andrew Marr, which I did not see featured this type of reporting.


    It may put some otherwise public spirited people off the idea! Scared of being sued by a third party.

    In France, exacttly the opposite applies and one can be prosecuted for not clearing the snow and ice from the front pavement.

    ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site

    Sat track schedule Spring 2014

    LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies


    Morning Alan and all.  Just a quick post but hope all who are too hot and all who are cold do take care.  Thanks  to all for links to various sites and for photographs.  Don't spend so much time on the PC at weekends when OH is home.  He doesn't mind but as he works, unlike me, I feel my attention should be on him more.


    Alan it seems a bit warmer here this morning.   We had a few flakes of snow overnight but it had not frozen so bird baths easier to deal with.  I think I would prefer it warmer but I don't know really as those high temperatures   must get very tiring.  Have a good day.


  • Operation Snowclear, I have just emailed the Prime Minister about the controversy and asked for a statement.

    ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site

    Sat track schedule Spring 2014

    LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies

  • We had at least 5" of snow yesterday, so I hope the thaw reaches here soon but don't know how long it will take for over 1 foot  of snow to melt.

    JSB,  it will be very interesting to see what reply you receive. (if any)

    Seems most of the country (including the IOW) are seeing fieldfare and redwing in their gardens, so don't forget to put out fruit for them, ( esp. any fruit you would throw out) as the berries run out. Our bird water was still frozen this morning and we found a wren who spent the night in an evergreen potted bush in our porch  eating happily on a seed tray which I had brought in last night. Seems to have made itself at home even though we have been in and out and have had to give it, it's own water dish. 



  • jsb : I saw the Andrew Marr program this morning and I believe that the law is an ass in this case. I have always cleared the pavement outside my house and I will continue to do so. I think that the law in France is much more sensible. Able bodied people should be clearing the pavement outside their homes.

    Still thawing here on TI but I dont think it will be quite clear by dusk. The fieldfares which I have been seeing for the last few days seem to have moved on after stripping all the berries locally.

  • Birds' water thawed naturally today - and we have a tarmac road again!  OH is checking garage water supply as it has been frozen - chaotic trying to clean fish tank without it.  Videoed Country Tracks this morning and watched during lunch - in East Midlands, including Rutland Water - included a few seconds of Osprey flight and nest.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Afternoone everyone.  There has been a significant thaw here today although still plenty of snow to be seen in gardens and on pavements.  Steed cleared the area on the pavement outside our house and garden this morning and the driver of the council mini-snow plough/pavement-gritter gave him the thumbs up.  Surely common sense has to come into play.  We can't sit around waiting for the council to do everything for us. After a few days without seeing any at all, there were plenty of fieldfares back at our tree again today eating more berries.  Is that a sign the weather is improving or about to get worse?   The weather forecast is for milder temperatures and only light snow showers for the next 24 hours and no snow is forecast for the rest of the working week which would be a relief.  Apparently there was a terrible blizzard last night up towards Montrose but we escaped it her.  Hope you have all had a restful weekend.  Off to prepare dinner. Catch up later.

  • Morning/evening all:  Sounds like the birdbaths are thawing out in the UK. Had a good night; up just once and daughter managed it herself while I hovered. We may take a little drive today to get her out of the house, though she is walking up and down the sidwalk but same old trees, bushes can get boring. Used to love that "dormouse and ???" verse about "freedom from worry and drives in the car."  Think it's a great prescription.

    She used to live near Palm Springs, and her summer temps would get to 108F (42C). They'd do everything in the early mornings, then hide out from 10 until 3 or 4 p.m., which I couldn't stand, not to mention the hot winds and the dust. Ugh. But it was also a dry heat, infinitely more tolerable than "wet" sweaty heat, which is exhausting and uncomfortable. She also had an evap. condenser that cooled off the house well. Going outdoors was like being in a blast furnace. Lovely in winter, what with snow on the surrounding mountains, but....

    OG: Daughter now more positive about doggie visit.  She is prepared to put her ancient horse down next time he gets really sick, but granddaughter fights to keep everything alive forever, which as you say, isn't fair to the animal.  I took the large bold font as a measure of your concern that I not miss your message, so no problem!  :-))))

    Djoan:  Skiing crows? Sounds like they knew how to have fun. OG may have a point re "dust-bathing."

    jsb: Even if you don't hear from Mr. Brown, it's good to get that stuff off your chest. I was always shooting off e-mails to George Bush, but since he wasn't - ahem - big on reading....   Besides, I'm sure anything from California was always automatically deleted!  :-)

    Off to shower and get into Be Prepared mode!