DAILY UPDATE (LG nest) Sunday 17 June 2012

How many of us are torn between dread and hope for the new day to come?

The peace and quiet of the LG nest is punctuated solely by unalarming chick noises.  Long may that last.

  • I use chick #1-#2-# 3 too. it is easier 

    Unknown said:

    No,no, I got it wrong. Wisdom is #2?  I think I'll stick to 1, 2, and 3!

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Heron, didn't you see #3 frame up to #2?  Video on the way.

    The trouble is, #2 has such an aggressive nature and #3 is so tiny by comparison to its siblings, it's even more noticeable today.  I don't believe that there is anything #3 can do to save itself suffering, only a surfeit of fish will allow #3 to at least survive.  It must be getting weaker and weaker, see how desperate it is for warmth and comfort.

    I hate to think that #3 is being blamed for not saving itself :'(

  • Annette: #1 is Courage, #2 is Wisdom #3 is Bravery.  I decided to give them names just after each of them hatched, sometimes they're shortened to Curry, Wizzy, and Bravo.  

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Unknown said:
    Sorry, being silly.

    I don't blame you in the slightest, Annette.  I would give almost anything for #3 to be removed from this hell.

  • Barbara: I can't remember fish counts from previoius years (I'm sure Tiger and Chloe have detailed records) and haven't been following fish deliveries at LG this year, but I'll certainly take your word for it.    

  • I'll help steady  the ladder lol

    Unknown said:

    Maybe we can arrange for someone from Dyfi to pop over and intervene here; maybe kidnap #3 away and give it a good meal and some TLC?   Sorry, being silly.

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Thanks Heron: I still think I'll stick to 1, 2, and 3 - I have a hard enough time trying to figure out which thread I'm posting on!

    Scylla: I'm kinda glad Odin delivers fish late in my evening so I can retreat to bed and not watch the fights.

  • Except for the past few days due to bad  weather Odin was delivering  6-8 fish. In the past few days only 4-5. And adult Osprey only need 1-2 fish a day . When there  were only 4-5 fish EJ barely ate any of them.  Yet there is vicious and brutal fighting  caused by #2   over the food supply. #2 also attacks #3 unprovoked when he is in a submissive pose . Many feedss#3 doesn't get any food at all. She is a mean as Nethy. Under Tiger's signature is the link for his and Chloe's stats for all years.

    Unknown said:

    Barbara: I can't remember fish counts from previous years (I'm sure Tiger and Chloe have detailed records) and haven't been following fish deliveries at LG this year, but I'll certainly take your word for it.    

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Well, seems like we have volunteers to help abduct #3. How about meeting under the nest this time tomorrow?  I'll bring the ladder; Barbara, you're in charge of holding it. Heron: You get to create a diversion and Scylla, you can videotape the event so we can study it later for future reference.  Who should climb up and do the deed - everyone else on the blog I suspect!!   OK, attack of the sillies has now got completely out of control so I'm going to shut up - or at least be serious!

  • I'd really love it if Odin and EJ both landed on the nest at the same time, with a giant fish each, and Bravery turned to Wizzy and said: "You can't keep my away from both of these!"

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.