How many of us are torn between dread and hope for the new day to come?
The peace and quiet of the LG nest is punctuated solely by unalarming chick noises. Long may that last.
Wide camera is on the nest, so presumably Odin is not to be seen.
"Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not too sure about the universe..." - Albert Einstein
Thanks Heron for doing the summary - patily needs a break after all her efforts. I will do it tomorrow, promise!
EJ doing a little nestoration but does not seem perturbed by her youngest babe's body laying there !!!!!
EJ has stopped calling, but the chicks have not! Both are begging for food again!
EJ has just left the nest
Here it is Little #3 looks so cute
patily said: EJ doing a little nestoration but does not seem perturbed by her youngest babe's body laying there !!!!!
patily said: Here it is Little #3 looks so cute
Long video, archived for those who don't want to watch at the moment: EJ feeding the whale to her two remaining young
Well, not good news this morning. A shame.
I was interested in Tiger's and another person's (sorry I forgot your name) statements that they've not seen this kind of attack in all their years of watching nests.
As someone who knows very little about anything, I don't want to disparage anyone's feelings by saying that this kind of violence is, sadly, much in evidence on our television screens in various places around the world - unfortunately perpetrated by human beings against each other. Sometimes we intervene; sometimes we don't. Go figure. Outrage doesn't seem to help in those situations either.
Take care all