DAILY UPDATE (LG nest) Sunday 17 June 2012

How many of us are torn between dread and hope for the new day to come?

The peace and quiet of the LG nest is punctuated solely by unalarming chick noises.  Long may that last.

  • Morning, ChrisS :-)  I get the feeling that if Bravery doesn't eat something today, he/ she won't pull through.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • The trouble is HERON it has to ask for food and at the moment it is not food soliciting at all.

    Morning CHRIS

  • pam j said:

    The trouble is HERON it has to ask for food and at the moment it is not food soliciting at all.

    That's what the biggest problem is, Pam.  It's not asking to be fed so EJ has nothing to aim at when she's depositing fish.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Good morning Heron and everybody else :)

    It's making for very uncomfortable viewing this morning.  I've just spent ages reading over the night-time posts.  Have to say thanks to all who keep up with the 'Nightwatch' - how on earth do you manage it?

    Have to also say that I'd love to see No.3 get something to eat - AND SOON - but it's looking less and less likely that it'll survive.  I, for one, am praying for a miracle at the moment.

    C'mon Bravery - next fish to the nest, use your bowed head to push No.2 out of the way, shove your way forward and 'screech' for food from Mama!


  • I have posted this on another forum not long ago but find a similar story that occured at RW quite interesting where the final outcome 2 years later was one of joy.

    Morning All - Switched on in the hope the misery for this younger chick was over. Instead Odin flew in with a fish delivery (0700) as I logged in. The youngster after suffering a blow spent the entire feed curled in a submissive ball.

    It is now displaying phyical signs of weakness and fear the end. Birds with a weakened immune system especially Ospreys caused by lack of feeding catch a respiratory infection known as Pulmonary Aspergillosis and generally this is the cause of death at the end. This chick is showing signs this may be happening.

    I am not an animal doctor but have notes from RW where this occured to one of 03(97) chicks in 2009. The exact same symptoms (For some reason 03/97 did not bring in the goods that year) and causes. A thorough post mortem was carried out on that chick to establish actual medical failure.

    I think we saw similar occurences in 2008 at LG in the final day or so but the chick was not recovered. It was used as a pillow for a few days then EJ took it away.

    I can say the two remaining chicks in that nest at RW did OK with the help that the female fished her self and she took food from an intruder namely 09/98. The remaining chicks also survived the first two years and returned to RW in 2011. Maybe EJ should go to Blue DX for some food and we could have an almost identical situation and we may see the first birds back to LG in 2 years.

    In the end a nice ending like a fairy tail - so lets be all positive.

  • Morning, Keith :-)

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Courage has to act as the nest police officer, again.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • TIGER gave me a return post on another forum yesterday evening and it has not left my head since and is very much true.

    Odin is feeding the chicks that are killing probably his only known offspring to be still alive.

    We obviously do not know of the 2010 Brood or Garten or that Chicks #1 and #2 are not of his genetics.

  • I wanted to read the comments to Richard's blog but they seem to have disappeared???????????

  • Morning everybody I'm only popping in, just in case ther is any news, but no how sad, I've only read the last post, about what Tiger wrote, and that makes me even sadder.

    Poor little soul, surely someone could help him.

    The more you rush, the longer it takes