I have always felt that we should have a thread for EJ as well as Odin.

My countdown clock says that we might expect her to swoop into Loch Garten 76 days from now. I hjope it has warmed up by then.


  • Unknown said:

    Oh dear, I read that ring as CA  !!!   VS mmm   no . I need spec savers obviously

    Rings should be read from the bottom up not top down.

  • Ah, in that case, TIGER yes, I can see an uncompleted O and a V with a bit of a cross bar now. But that's still not it , is it !  The ring is Orange so I  should see a V  and an S. Oh deary deary me. I'll have another look


    Yes, I see it now - the O is in fact the top (or bottom) part on an S  and the V is indeed  a V

  • Unknown said:

    Ah, in that case, TIGER yes, I can see an uncompleted O and a V with a bit of a cross bar now. But that's still not it , is it !  The ring is Orange so I  should see a V  and an S. Oh deary deary me. I'll have another look


    Yes, I see it now - the O is in fact the top (or bottom) part on an S  and the V is indeed  a V

    Sorry there is no O  only a VS

    We have become used to truncating Orange to O


  • Tiger said: 'Keith   The problem is that there is plenty of evidence that Orange VS was a waster. However EJ did seem to have a soft spot for him"  

     I remember someone saying years ago that whatever his shortcomings OVS did show a consistant (can't say faithful) love for EJ. This is a paraphrase as I can't remember the exact quote.

    Tiger also said, same post: "The real crunch would come if a new male turned up at Loch Garten today. Would EJ say "Sorry you are not Odin" or would she say "Game on" :) "

    Let's just hope that Odin IS the first male to show up on the nest.  I have absolutely NO faith in EJ's determination to make the "good" decision.


  • Good day CRINGER - I noticed that your client has had plenty of waiting time around the nest so I am sure you will have had time to consult her. I will take you back track to 10:00 PM post yesterday and then my learned friend you can lead on from there.

    You asked for views - I asked your client to answer questions based on facts - However it seems you got some views - some of which are interesting me Sir. I am eargerly awaiting the response to the questions I asked of your client.

    I am sure she is awaiting my visit next week with great excitement.

  • Hi Tiger. I remember Orange VS with affection. If another male turned up before Odin Ej would, no doubt, 'get to it'. After all she's a sensible and experienced osprey and 'time's a-wastin' there's a lot to achieve. I wonder, if Odin was very late would he toss out any eggs that had been laid?

    Richard says he thinks his PC works on parafin, I think mine's a wind up one....elastic!

    The mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it's not open.

  • quietwoman  Great to see you again.  Yes it would be fascinating to see what Odin would do if he found EJ with eggs. I do not think that is very likely know. There are only two ospreys that I know that had to decided what to do when he found the wife playing away. I know everyone knows that one was Henry and also know what Henry did. I wonder if people know what the other osprey was and what he did. I have mentioned him often enough.


  • TIGER - Yes METAL RING at Aberfoyle.

    He kicked the eggs out at Aberfoyle May 2010.

    Even B & B would get this one correct.

  • Unknown said:

    TIGER - Yes METAL RING at Aberfoyle.

    He kicked the eggs out at Aberfoyle May 2010.

    Even B & B would get this one correct.

    Make that three then! I wasn't thinking of METAL RING but you are absolutely correct.