Weekly Chat, Sunday, December 20 2009

  • ...and Jim (OH) was saying he'd like to transfer the vinyl record collection to CD, and they have those turntables that hook up to your computer so you can do that. Thing is: Vinyl has much better fidelity than CD's and we have an old turntable. So we were thinking the other day, why not just hook up the turntable to the tuner and speakers.  How original!  :-)

  • Ha! That's just wrong about the rotary phone :-)

    Well, I'm gonna turn in, Annette. There's now a program on History Channel called, Ancient Aliens. It's about the possibility that our civilization was seeded by beings "out there." It has been a pleasure talking to you. Reminds me of the old days of watching the nest. Take care!!! You're the best!

  • No idea if the DVD is old or not - probably new since it's from Netflix.  We have ancient equipment but haven't had this problem before. 

    I'm probably going to fall into bed pretty soon. You planning on staying up all night!  Must be cold there.

  • Unknown said:

    ...and Jim (OH) was saying he'd like to transfer the vinyl record collection to CD, and they have those turntables that hook up to your computer so you can do that. Thing is: Vinyl has much better fidelity than CD's and we have an old turntable. So we were thinking the other day, why not just hook up the turntable to the tuner and speakers.  How original!  :-)

    I miss the old turntables!!! That's a great solution. LOL

  • Happy Boxing Day all, or st Stephanus`Day as it is called here (the first martyr). I had a lovely Christmas at my sis and am very happy that I decided to drive back home yesterday evening/night when the weather was good for driving, `cause the weather is quite nasty now: snowing but no nice flakes but small, white needles and windy.

    Read all the posts since my last visit and absolutely enjoined everything: funny remarks, Lindybirds marvellous poem, lovely and hilarious robins, festive Christmas tree, before/after pics, fairytale-like winter wonderland, always lovely Tweed and Indy etc.

    Sorry for those who are under the weather or cancelled trips

  • dibnlib Thank you - yes, Indy has one ear up and one down. Looks angelic but isn't!  Hope you and all the other bloggers had a great Christmas Day (and didn't eat too much).

  • Happy Boxing Day all, or st Stephanus`Day to Auntie.

    Glad everyone had a nice day that has posted and well done on getting back early, Auntie. Do you have to work today or do you have some time off?

    Enjoyed all the overnight chat and hope the turkey came out well AQ.

    Have good day's everyone:)

  • Hi, Gary. `cause I volunteered to work the Christmas Eve I don`t have to go back to work until Tuesday. So I´m enjoying doing nothing: eat well, read my Osprey book and P.D.James` novel "The Private Patient" (that one in Finnish) no outdoors activities today due the nasty weather