Inspired by ChloeB great cartoon of a wee discussion between EJ and Odin I now begine the captions thread.
Not sure how this will develop but at least we now will be able to collect the cartoons in one place!
Tiger Signature
Yes it certainly does there Tiger.
Some great captions in here. Thanks everyone, they are great :)
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
This thread had just had me in stiches! Thank you all so very much :)
Tiger: I clicked your link and if you hadn't said it was "Orange VS" then I would have said it was Odin! Are they related??
Diane L said: This thread had just had me in stiches! Thank you all so very much :) Tiger: I clicked your link and if you hadn't said it was "Orange VS" then I would have said it was Odin! Are they related??
Well I only noticed the similarity today. Not if behaviour is genetic!
Here is the picture of Orange VS which scrared the living daylights out of us. For a while we were divided between it being an April fool and Orange VS having returned from osprey heaven. In practice it was neither. It was just a photo from 2008 when he was photographed in action at the Rothiemurchus fish farm.
Alab and Lindybird good captions, gave me a good laugh. This thread is turning out to be a lot of fun.
Been checking on all the Captions that I have missed when away, Well Done everyone, they sure made me laugh, Love them All! - Keep them coming!
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Personally I blame all this rain on the Hosepipe Ban!!!
LOL Alan! - And my you do look damp, my dear.
LOL Lindy and Alan, those are great :))
Hmmmm! This is beyond a joke. I'll have to see that Roy Dennis about building a nestbox for osprey !!!!