Blue XD

I guess that Blue XD is now set to be part of Loch Garten History. He deserves a page by himself.

Do people have data on his exact arrival time and some videos and pictures.

There has been a blog regarding him here on    28 Mar 2012 5:56 PM

There is still confusion as to his identity but he is said to be the long term partner of Green J   or otherwise known as  S06 

So  Blue/White XD    may be     S18   but there are certain problems with that.

S06 and S18 also parented a chick translocated to Rutland viz.  T04

I wrote about  Green J    here    on 3 March 2012



  • Unknown said:

    I have posted 4 images of Blue Xd in the photos section.

    Very nice they are too

    Picture  1

    Picture 2

    Picture 3

    Picture 4 

  • Brilliant photos Bryan.  You obviously had a wonderful time at the hide.  

    I love your comments DEVERONSIDE!  I would reckon the majority are of Odin, with so much white underneath, but as you say, it is difficult when the feathers are soaked!  Blue XD is a bit obvious, and it is lovely to see he is doing so well.  Thank you Keith for letting us know he and Green J had raised another wonderful nest of three youngsters.  I don't think any are EJ, they are not dark enough on the chest.  It would be wonderful to get an ID on them all though!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Grogeous photos of a handsome bird.    I love the one of him taking off fish clasped, wings up and just his ring showing with the intense look in his eyes.  

  • I have compared photos of Odin that have been taken over the last few days on the DU with those on Bryan's flicker account, paying particular attention to any underarm/wing markings and head pattern on his right side as the most likely photos of Odin are all views of this side.

    Odin has a small line of brown feathers going from the front of his wing down his body and no immediately visible markings on the white of his underwing. We already know that his chest is very white so Image 8880 can be ruled out right away. Those of Blue XD are easily identifiable. Image 9422 is a head on view and the head pattern is wrong - it is very similar to the intruder on LG nest the other day.

    I have also made the assumption that some head feathers when wet may droop downwards, so with this in mind the strong contenders are Images 8866, 9581 and 9597 but still not 100% sure. If these are correct then there are a good few other pictures of what I believe is the same bird. Definitely none of EJ - she is unmistakable!

    Please feel free to agree/disagree - they are all beautiful images of ospreys. Really wish I hadn't started this now but I do like a challenge!!!!!!!!! :D

  • Sounds like splodology all over again!.

  • Unknown said: There are some Pics of Blue Xd here as as well as some possibly of Odin.

    Wonderful, BRYAN, thank you :-*

    Plus the 4 that Tiger linked for us.

  • Bryan love the photos, particularly red squirrel chatting with Mr Chaffy.  I think photo 8866 looks like a bto ring on right leg and would then guess this as male from Loch Insh. Looking on my tablet so may be mistaken but looks like a faint silver ring.

  • I knew I could depend on you, Granny Smith! But I'll spend some time checking, as you suggest, if only to consider what Odin's 'coo's lick' looks like when wet ;-)

  • Unknown said:
     I think photo 8866 looks like a bto ring on right leg and would then guess this as male from Loch Insh. Looking on my tablet so may be mistaken but looks like a faint silver ring.

    Morning Lmac, I have just enlarged the photo and you are quite right - silver BTO ring!  Wish i'd done that in the first place. Probably means the majority are of the same osprey then. Don't have time to check right now but will do after I come back from my morning walk. 

  • Sorry Granny if I have caused you any pain and anguish over the images but I suspect you like the challenge. If you do find for certain any images of Odin from my flickr account I will see what other images are around that number and post if any are of any use.