I guess that Blue XD is now set to be part of Loch Garten History. He deserves a page by himself.
Do people have data on his exact arrival time and some videos and pictures.
There has been a blog regarding him here on 28 Mar 2012 5:56 PM
There is still confusion as to his identity but he is said to be the long term partner of Green J or otherwise known as S06
So Blue/White XD may be S18 but there are certain problems with that.
S06 and S18 also parented a chick translocated to Rutland viz. T04
I wrote about Green J here on 3 March 2012
Tiger Signature
Lovely photos of a stunning bird
More great pictures of Blue XD
So many photos of him on line these days Tiger, I know one place that I do not want to see him :-)
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Agree, Mary - but unless he doesn't make it back, we probably will. EJ is nothing if not consistent!
Yes he was fairly famous back in 2001 and then he was very quiet for a long time. Then that weather that destroyed his nest shot him back to stardom! :)
There are worse birds out there. He seems quite a determined bird if not compared to either Odin or EJ.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Rachel - It won't be that long until we find out if its going to be three years in a row :-) I hope not!
I hope he is back and maybe not LG but hope he makes it.
I hope he stays away from LG and EJ, don't want Odin upset.
The big question is whether we get to see Blue XD on his flight back from Africa.? To be honest I am not sure we will.