I guess that Blue XD is now set to be part of Loch Garten History. He deserves a page by himself.
Do people have data on his exact arrival time and some videos and pictures.
There has been a blog regarding him here on 28 Mar 2012 5:56 PM
There is still confusion as to his identity but he is said to be the long term partner of Green J or otherwise known as S06
So Blue/White XD may be S18 but there are certain problems with that.
S06 and S18 also parented a chick translocated to Rutland viz. T04
I wrote about Green J here on 3 March 2012
Tiger Signature
Keith - I don't think so. Quite a lot was said about the new project at Birdfair, with photos of the birds, and there was no evidence that any had been tagged prior to release.
I also asked Roy about this, but didn't really get a useful answer.
Unknown said: Does anyone know if the Spanish Translocation Programme sat tagged the chick of Blue XD/Green J that was translocated to Spain.
Does anyone know if the Spanish Translocation Programme sat tagged the chick of Blue XD/Green J that was translocated to Spain.
Nothing has been reported with regard to the tagging of chicks translocated to Spain as far as I know.
ChloeB said: B&B sometimes things happen meantimes, opportunities present themselves and plans are adjusted accordingly. It does not mean people are telling lies. Roy does not have an obligation to tell us everything or indeed anything but I am so glad that we do get to know these things (albeit sometimes in a roundabout way).
B&B sometimes things happen meantimes, opportunities present themselves and plans are adjusted accordingly. It does not mean people are telling lies. Roy does not have an obligation to tell us everything or indeed anything but I am so glad that we do get to know these things (albeit sometimes in a roundabout way).
I was just wondering if Roy had tagged Blue XD/Green J for the purpose of the translocation having Male-Female-Juvenile.
Now I can not see as clearly the speculative reasons as Tiger-Chloe-Rachel can.
There is nothing cloak and dagger about this. Permission has to be sought, licenses applied for. What makes you think this sort of thing is 'easy'?
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Licenses are anything but easy! Can't remember the exact context, but Tim Mackrill said of translocation licenses (at Birdfair) that if they were to apply to start another translocation project, he would probably be 'Old Tim' by the time they actually got the license and were able to proceed!
(For those who don't know, he is 'Young Tim' to distinguish him from Tim Appleton, who is, I think the overall reserve manager at Rutland - also, of course, because Tim M has been involved with Rutland ospreys since he was 15!)
Yes I understand Licences have to be granted but just so shocked what has happened at one nest and very intrigued by the reasons and thank you Chloe. We will have to wait and see.
Thank you Rachel and Natural England I think will have to grant the license to RW and being honest, young Tim will be the next Roy Dennis and probably do the next translocation in England:) I am interested and also open minded and just a little bit upset that Green J such an old Osprey and very significant Osprey has been tagged and yes Blue Xd also :) I have my oppinions and respect others.
I look forward to the reasons.
Licences in England are a complete different issue than obtaining licenses in Scotland. Remember Tim would need to apply both sides of the border if he were to translocate from Scotland to another site in England which am sure he is planning. This was the problem with a translocation programme to Wales many years ago. SNH would probably have agreed but Wales not. At present SNH have a programme in place with maximum 12 birds per year so we will have to see what happens when this expires.
One of the big questions to be answered this year is "Will Blue XD feature at Loch Garten again"?
We know that he has acquired a tracker but no information about that has been released.
Meantime here are some lovely pictures of him on Mike Crutch's Flickr page. See pictures of Blue XD
Those are stunning, Tiger - he's a gorgeous looking bird, isn't he? No wonder EJ took him seriously.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.