I guess that Blue XD is now set to be part of Loch Garten History. He deserves a page by himself.
Do people have data on his exact arrival time and some videos and pictures.
There has been a blog regarding him here on 28 Mar 2012 5:56 PM
There is still confusion as to his identity but he is said to be the long term partner of Green J or otherwise known as S06
So Blue/White XD may be S18 but there are certain problems with that.
S06 and S18 also parented a chick translocated to Rutland viz. T04
I wrote about Green J here on 3 March 2012
Tiger Signature
Yep :)
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Did Roy Dennis not say he was tracking adult Males? How can you believe a word he says now and he still has not updated on Fearna.
edit, will wait and see and be open minded
It is not always easy to catch the osprey you want as they have found at Rutland and in Estonia. A £3000 transmitter has to be utilized somehow.
Alan I agree and see other sides albeit do what you say you are going to do, otherwise how can you trust.
Thank you and listen to your point but it still does not take away from what was published. 3 Adult Males being tracked I think? I actually was starting to listen to both sides but when something done against what was published, lost trust again.
I am going to wait and see and honestly open minded.
Alan - I understand a bird was caught quite easily and tagged at Rutland way back in June. Maybe not what they wanted though.
B&B sometimes things happen meantimes, opportunities present themselves and plans are adjusted accordingly. It does not mean people are telling lies. Roy does not have an obligation to tell us everything or indeed anything but I am so glad that we do get to know these things (albeit sometimes in a roundabout way).
ChloeB said: I too have my ideas as to why he has done this.
I too have my ideas as to why he has done this.
I wonder if we are all thinking the same thing? ;-) This doesn't seem the best place to speculate, however.
Hope Roy manages to get all his new birds onto the website soon, now that they are starting to move.
I am quite sure we are Rachel :)
Does anyone know if the Spanish Translocation Programme sat tagged the chick of Blue XD/Green J that was translocated to Spain.
No one has reported anything to that effect Keith. Well not that I have seen anyway.