EJ lands on the nest sometime around 5pm 21/03/2012 (exact time to be confirmed).
OMG, dear EJ is home :)
Loch Garten stats. and All the important links for LG.
How I have longed to see this view.
Me too moffer
index thread
lg stats
Wow thats exciting!! Wonderful pic!!
Wee Skylarks birthday(hewas 3 yesterday) can now be symbolised (in my head) with the arrival of the BoG ospreys!! Love that!!
'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks' John Muir.
Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!
Thanks for starting the Daily Update SANDY! Here we go ... the rollercoaster begins again :-))
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Wow! Great news to come home to. Talk about just in time, though - if they'd left it another day to get the cam set up, we might have had no streaming all season. I too have no sound and poor picture quality, but it's better than nothing.
Maybe they should fundraise for a new camera instead of satellite tagging this year?
Good idea Rachel.. Fund raising for better camera equipment.
Yes amazing news Welcome home Girl x
All for one and one for all.
Just look at the size of that clump of moss she's trying to shift!
Thanks Sandy. The weekly page was getting filled quickly with all our excitement and pictures.
now with those head-markings in clear and good view, EVEN I would venture to confirm: definitely EJ :-)
Cats and women will do as they please. Dogs and men should relax and get used to it.