Weekly Chat, Sunday November 29,2009

Evening/morning!. Hope it's a good week for all.  Check the previous blog for the latest adventures of  Emma Peel and Steed plus recent posts from the usual suspects.   :-)

Emma - what a whirl!  Hope daughter's new boyfriend isn't headed back to Afghanistan any time soon.

EDIT: Oh this is interesting, in the following sentence, I typed the name of Germany's controlling political party during the late 30s/early 40s and it was replaced by asterisks!  Just watched a great Netflix DVD - The Rape of Europa - about the pillaging of art by the *** and the subsequent repatriation of (most of) it after the war. Really interesting with footage I'd never seen before. After that, even more leftover Txgiving pie and rerun of Bridget Joans's Diary on telly while perusing latest Xmas catalogs. Have a good Sunday!


  • Evening/Morning all:

    Re "American Hard Gums" they must've become popular after I left England in '63. I remember Rowntrees Fruit Gums, which were chewy, but not with the sugary coating that the candies in Gary's link appear to have.

    Caerann: Please send link on Bob Anderson when you get a minute; then when I get a minute, I'll read it. Thanks! I wonder how high that half-mountain was. We have some amazing rock formations in Joshua Tree National Monument. In my next life I'm going to be a geologist - among other things!  :-)

    OK. I bring my purchases home in a bag. My husband brings his home in a sack, which I think of as a something you run three-legged races or store flour, etc., in.  He's from Kansas City originally, so maybe that's a Midwestern term.

    Marvellous white full moon tonight.


  • In northwestern Illinois, which is mostly rural, they say sack also. In southeastern Minnesota they use a bag but pronounce it like beg.

  • Pete's Pond critters are up and about - the surrounding land is very green right now - must've had lots of rain over the last weeks/months. Not sure of their seasons....

  • Annette: What a beautiful camellia!

    I am so enjoying the hummingbird cam. Those birdies are about ready to fledge. They are really struggling to stay in that tiny nest, and they keep trying to squeeze each other out. "You move over! No, YOU move over! Stop touching me! Get your beak outta my face! Mom, he's crowding me again!"

    Welcome back, Caerann! I'm glad you had a good time. Congrats on seeing the bald eagles -- a very special time! I absolutely loved the owl video you posted. Such powerful creatures. Like you, I'm saddened that it's a captive bird, though.

    Generally, I think of a paper sack and a plastic bag. However, during my childhood, groceries were always placed in a brown paper sack, so I always think of groceries being carried in a sack, even if stores use plastic now. However, those reusable environmentally friendly cloth/nylon bags that you take to the grocery store yourself (so you don't have to use the bad plastic) are definitely bags and not sacks. :-)

  • Morning all,

    Just had a wren in the garden. It is an occasional visitor. Unfortunately it is too quick to get a photo.

    There is an eagle feeding at the moment on the Storre Mosse webcam.

    Weather here on TI is pretty dire. After overnight rain it is cloudy and damp with more rain forecast.

    Temp 6.3c , Wind W 9mph.


  • Morning folks. Wet and windy here but very mild.

    Interesting debate about bags. Never heard of it being called a sack before. I just get asked "paper or plastic" I may have to ask "paper or plastic , what?" see what they say.

    Hope everyone else is doing OK. Diane, are you all better in your household now?

  • Richard has updated the blog. All good news and another ringed osprey sighted in the Gambia. Tantalisingly the ring number was LY but unfortunately not Nethy AY.

  • Afternoon everyone. Weather here has been nice today. -3C and sunny. Enjoyed the drive to my mum`s (60km to and back), sun was shining and the frost on the trees and fields was pretty.

    Yesterday went mostly on the sofa "doing nothing". Well I watched several TV shows that I have recorded earlier and haven`t had the time to watch earlier. There was an interesting six-part documentary (watched two parts) about a man who rented a cottage in west coast Scotland, Applecross (if I remember correctly). He bought two pigs, few hens and goats. The scenery there is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful!!!! Maybe I was a Scott in my previous life `cause I seem to have a soft spot in my heart to everything Scottish and your natures beauty brings tears to my eyes so easily. (even if not tired... lol)

    Hope you all are having a nice day!

  • It`s 5.30 (ish)pm and dark already. Sky is clear and a beautiful full moon, just like the one in Diane`s avatar. Must sign out now but see you all tomorrow.

  • Morning/evening all:  Camera view is farther away from the hummers than before and one of them is completely out of the nest (sitting on side). Has anyone read the chat on the right side of that screen? They really use a lot of shorthand/texting lingo; I miss a lot of it.  You can hear the crows so clearly on the video - I get them confused with the ones making a racket in our neighborhood.  Car lights only now on the Storre Mosse cam - I have to be up really late at night to get daylight there.  Good news about  Rothes and Mallachie - how exciting to get a call about the other osprey; let's hope Roy D can ID.

    Auntie: Glad you enjoyed your day off and drive to Mum's house.  My sister swears Scotland is the most beautiful place in the UK.  This particular full moon seemed unusually bright last night.

    Cloudy today. Our weather folks are saying we might have several "rain opportunities" next week.  If that develops, we'll end up with a "precipitation situation."   :-)))   Going to replace windshield wipers this week  - they get dried out and crack quickly here.

    Catch up later - have a nice rest of the day everyone.