Time flies and so do ospreys! This week will usher in the month of March. The ospreys are starting to feel that little spark in their hearts that says, "It's time to go home!"
Don't forget to look back to last week's chat thread or you will miss some good comments, including a post from Emma Peel! Welcome back, Emma!
News for This Week
2012 is a Leap Year, and Wednesday, 29 February, is Leap Day. I intend to honor this day by re-evaluating my own life, leaving behind some negative, unproductive old habits and leaping forward with both feet into a brighter future.
"Don't be afraid to take a big step. You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps." -- David Lloyd George
Also: Watch for aurora activity -- Northern Lights -- starting today! On 24 February, an eruption on the sun created a "canyon of fire" that stretched 400,000 km from end to end (video here, scroll down on the page)! The energy cloud is expected to hit the Earth's atmosphere on 26 February at 1:30 p.m. U.K. time (13:30 UT/GMT). The Northern Lights will be visible much further south than normal and may be a good show.
Also: I had to include this link because I just love birds' nests. Check out this incredible U.S. House Finch nest, which includes a fake flower, sewing scraps, a twisty tie, cellaphane, plastic, paper, and all manner of household items. The photographer has created a book of birds' nests and eggs. You can see more of her gorgeous and interesting bird creations HERE. Just click on a thumbnail photo to start the slideshow. I loved these!!! (EDIT: The nests and eggs were part of collections in science and zoology museums; no current wild birds were disturbed.)
Also: Especially for Annette and AQ: Australian researchers have revealed that they've filmed a pod of rare Shepherd's beaked whales for the first time in history. These whales are so rare that no population estimates even exist. They've only been seen twice and never filmed at all!
Everyone have a great week! Roll on spring!
Annette Merci beaucoup. J'espère que vous le trouverez très utile lors de la lecture tous les sites français balbuzard pêcheur. Rappelez-vous, il est probablement contre les termes et conditions pour écrire dans des langues étrangères!
Tiger Signature
Hi and thanks Annette, yes still very much around.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Afternoon all,
Emma Peel : Great to see you on here again. Glad that your job is settling down and you will have more time for the forums. I have never been called for jury duty so I am amazed that you have a 3rd call.
Everyone else thanks for the chat etc.
Another springlike day with temp at 12.4c earlier. This morning we went to Barnwell CP for the first time this year to see if there were any unusual birds around. There had been Pochards and Tufted Duck and a pair of Bullfinches but we did not see any of those. The swans that had 8 cygnets were still around but with only 5 cygnets with them now. The other pair of swans that had 2 cygnets appeared to have just one around and it seemed to have a damaged wing. Quite a lot of visitors to the park today. It seemed as if everyone has emerged from a dark cave for the first time. I did get one pic of a robin in full song:
Morning all:
Tiger: Vraiment? Against terms and conditions to post in a foreign language? Hmmm (not sure what the French for that is). :-)
Alan: That's a great pic of the Robin - so clear.
Sun is peeking out now but a 30% chance of rain forecast for tonight and tomorrow. I wish.... Off for a walk.
Hey, all. I should have pointed out in my earlier post that the photographer found the birds' nests and eggs in collections at science and zoology museums. That's where she photographed them. Most of the nests are decades old. She emphasizes this fact on her website. No current birds were disturbed in the wild. I would never condone that. :-)
Just had a change-over in the nest. I think it is Dad egg sitting now :-) 6;40pm
If nothing goes right, go left! :-)
Yes, it is dad. He is a handsome bird! :-)
6:48 and both now and dad has flown off.
Yes Tiger...you are right..I recognize the scenery from the nest..but the Woods Hole nest had many brightly colored ribbons or material....Thanks for the correction. I just read the link to Jazzel and it was rather sad. So many cams it's hard to remember what happened where. BTW..do you archive all this info?
bjane said: Yes Tiger...you are right..I recognize the scenery from the nest..but the Woods Hole nest had many brightly colored ribbons or material....Thanks for the correction. I just read the link to Jazzel and it was rather sad. So many cams it's hard to remember what happened where. BTW..do you archive all this info?
Well I try to keep as good a records as I can. However things always change and sometimes sources disappear.