Weekly Chat, 29 January 2012

Greetings from a hot (28C) sticky (61% humidity) Sunday in Adelaide. Check back to page 13 of last week's chat if you missed the whale or bird videos. Thanks Diane & Chloe.

As I suspected would happen, Dau returns too late to collect or receive Jasper this eve, so I shall deliver HRH tomorrow after my Physio appt. Latter is to strengthen muscles to assist knee recovery. Huh, all it seems to be doing is to make knees even more sore than usual. I shall persist. Sermon this morn had some appropriate words to encourage me, about not fearing change to make things better.

My memories of the Aurora Australis (Southern Lights) that I saw as a child was of blue & pink. Yet most pics are of green. Hence I was pleased to see some non-green Aurora. My memory isn't failing LOL.

  • 1 cm snow lying, but precipitation has turned to very light snizzle, and sky getting brighter - was that it, I wonder!  Birds looking confused, but Feral Pigeons uncovered the ground dishes, so there is access to food.  Goldfinches undeterred as usual, despite flocks of Starlings (landing) and BH Gulls (not landing).

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Linda ~ Lovely to see those photos of Billie on the radiator shelf, she looks quite comfy there.  Glad Margo sent them to you.    Hope OH's back is a bit better and that you are both sleeping all night now.

  • OK.  Enjoyed a good lunch.  No more snow.  Other two busy.  Will start catching up from middle of Friday. 

    Annette – so pleased to see that your OH and your friends are spoiling you this weekend – sit back and enjoy it all!  I hope OH has chosen somewhere wonderful for celebration meal on Sunday, and you both have great food.  I hope your daughter had a safe journey to AZ – good of you to see her off with breakfast – especially when you are going out for a special one yourself.

    Patricia – so sorry OH has the shingles – even though he doesn’t feel the pain, the virus is a nasty one (as you yourself know) and being ill will not helps his ongoing conditions.  Sorry the thaw and wet have brought back your mud!  How lucky to have Bullfinches!

    Heron – good to have you “call in” – liked the thought of Dunedin Osp learning one-leg standing from EJ!

    Diane – thank you for those Wood Bison – and for remembering I said I liked them when you posted the baby one last year!  Looks like one is asking another “Why do they keep coming and looking at us?”

    Dibnlib – that twisted Cat is amazing – but it hurts to look at it!  Funny about Photoshop – I was worried because OH’s earlier Serif applications had led to phone calls and emails, but I have had none – just thought, maybe because I never registered it!  Huge long swim!  I hope you get your planned holiday this time – where to?

    Linda – thanks for forwarding Margo’s photos of Billie on/off the shelf!  How is OH?  You haven't mentioned him for a few days.

    What lovely cards you have been sending for Annette and Brenda over the last few days – and thanks for all posts, photos and captures – just too many to reply to all!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Happy Birthday Brenda! Sorry, no card from me, haven't worked out how to do it. Must start experimenting with pics etc.

    Lovely picture of Billie, Lindybird and thank you Margo!

    Rainy and miserable here after the last few cold and bright days. We have done our shopping and now battened down the hatches, so to speak, until Monday.

    I'm talking to France more than usual this past few days. My sister in law has gone back to UK to look after her younger sister who is currently in hospital - breast cancer, only 51 years old. She has had the first major surgery, now awaiting lymph node biopsy report and info about what she can expect to happen next ie reconstruction, radiotherapy, chemo. My brother is 'home alone' and while he can cook for himself, I'm not sure about the washing machine. I gather he has had a crash course in such things. Last night I asked him if the chickens and ducks had been put to bed. He had forgotten the chickens. M. Reynard would have had a feast. Brother and wife have never been apart for more than a few days before in over 40 years of marriage and it looks as if this separation will be for a few weeks at least.

    Sorry no more replies but thank you, all as usual for your posts etc.

  • Happy birthday Brenda you share your birthday with our BOBBIE its her 1st today she keeps carrying her bear around that we bought her

  • Now to tell you about Thursday’s electric incident – and the sorting job we have embarked on.

    Thursday was quite normal until the afternoon.  OH and J were busy in the garage and I was baking the Muffins because the Blueberries had thawed.  I had the radio on and when it went silent I realised the sockets’ ring main had gone off – luckily the oven circuit was still functioning.  The other two came in to find out why their fan heater (!) had gone off.  When they opened the meter cupboard, there was a really bad smell of burning, so I told OH he must turn all the power off and phone our cover via Scottish Gas.  They promised us an electrician that afternoon, and the muffins had finished the last few minutes cooking in the residual heat of the oven, so we ate one each to keep warm, and all put fleeces on before we cooled down (gas heating has electric controls).

    J and I decided it would be best to use the remaining daylight to keep busy together in one room, so we started sorting photos!  These moved house with us and are very muddled, because each time I tried to do the job on my own, before and after the move, I was interrupted.  Additionally, they all got moved again when we made space for J to move in, but I refused to have them hidden and forgotten in the loft. 

    Before it got dark, the electrician came.  He was able to cut out the burnt wires from the affected circuit and let us have lights, so we carried on while he was here – until 7:30!  He never found quite exactly where things have gone wrong, but he has isolated part of it and given us some temporary connections until a colleague comes – which will be next Thursday.  We had takeaway for dinner that night, and ate Thursday’s intended meal on Friday.

    Having started on the photos, we all carried on with them last night.  We have all the dated ones in year groups now, and we have some odd ones to reinstate in old albums from envelopes they have been in since taking apart a collage which my mother had (she died in 1998, and I think I disassembled it before we moved in 2003!)  There are also loose undated photos, which we have to try to identify by comparison with others … and so it goes on!  This will last us at least the rest of this winter, but, looking on the bright side, we are also enjoying looking back at some of our shared history!


    Heather – sorry about your Sister in Law’s Sister, and you having to coach your brother’s domestic skills by phone.

    Alicat – pleased Bobbie likes her birthday present!

    Now raining, and slushy underfoot – but still zero degrees, so could be nasty tomorrow morning if temp stays low.  None of us need to go anywhere, although we would choose to.  We had even planned a day out this coming Monday, so blame it on us!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • HEATHER sorry to hear of your SILs sister having cancer, although not direct family I am sure it has its'effect on you.

    OG   At the moment we have 3 days booked at Craigendarroch Hilton as at this time of year we wanted somewhere with leisure facilities. Unfortunately they do not take dogs so Dillon is booked into kennels. Think we will chill out and spoil ourselves. On night 3 we have booked a meal at "The Green Inn", the head chef won the competition " Best chef, best dish" so we are hoping for great things.  I only saw the final and didn't know anything more than the fact that the restaurant was in Ballater. I posted on this site to see if anyone could help and I think it was Sheila who came back with the answer. I will let you know if the meal is as good as I hope. OH has 2 weeks hols so may go down to Mums( brother has E Mailed her memory has deteriorated further) though again at this time of year everything is weather dependant.

  • MARGO    Think Billie could do with one of these to catch her when she falls off the shelf.