Weekly Chat, 29 January 2012

Greetings from a hot (28C) sticky (61% humidity) Sunday in Adelaide. Check back to page 13 of last week's chat if you missed the whale or bird videos. Thanks Diane & Chloe.

As I suspected would happen, Dau returns too late to collect or receive Jasper this eve, so I shall deliver HRH tomorrow after my Physio appt. Latter is to strengthen muscles to assist knee recovery. Huh, all it seems to be doing is to make knees even more sore than usual. I shall persist. Sermon this morn had some appropriate words to encourage me, about not fearing change to make things better.

My memories of the Aurora Australis (Southern Lights) that I saw as a child was of blue & pink. Yet most pics are of green. Hence I was pleased to see some non-green Aurora. My memory isn't failing LOL.

  • Margo:  sounds as if you are still having problems with your pc/connection.  Hope you 'get through' OK!  (I am not submitting my results of the B.Watch until tomorrow, as last year it was all blocked up on here as so many folks were doing the same thing)

    Brenda:   Thanks for thinking of my OH:  he probably is only watching the films through a haze, but is so bored by being awake at night that anything is a welcome distraction.  Also finds  he can't feel so much pain if he concentrates on something else.

    Alan:  Lady P will be a happy woman if she is allowed to indulge in new cushions!  It really doesnt take too much to make us happy!  especially if they are perceived to be a bargain, to boot.

    Read on the News that there has been a multiple car pile up in Florida:  how dreadful.

    Must go tackle the dreaded ironing:  saw an advert for a super duper Ironing Press this morning on TV - does anyone on here have one, and are they any good??  Can only conclude that they take up a lot more room than the usual iron, although you could then dispense with the ironing board, I suppose.

  • Morning everyone! I am happy to report that last night's entertaining went off extremely well.( Memo to self - remember that and don't panic the next time ) The couple who we had never had here before were an absolute joy, perfect guests. He is a great conversationalist but also a very good listener. She made us all laugh and was so relaxed and unstuffy that my nerves vanished when they had only been in the house for ten minutes or so. The other couple we know well, and fortunately the two couples are close friends with each other.

    Phew! now just finishing the tidying up, washing glasses etc.

    Thanks to all who sent me words of encouragement - much appreciated.

    Will get back later, sorry to hear that your OH had another bad night, Lindybird. I hope that things get better soon.

  • Thanks for all your wishes been to GPs this morning she says its muscel spasams all done my right side of my back from top top bottom of back been given pain killers and muscle relaxants and and an extersice sheet said that it takes time to go

  • Morning all Sorry to hear about bad backs, coughs and other ailments.  I hope everyone will get relief soon.  Is it something to do with the advancing years, or is that just me?

    We didn't do BGBW this year.  I didn't have time on Saturday, when there were lots of birds about, to sit for an hour.  Yesterday was extremely wet but I only saw 2 birds the whole afternoon!  Can't believe it - I had ensured all the feeders were filled up and had put lots of tempting stuff on the hanging bird-table.  Needless to say, they're all back this morning!

    Lindybird Your Monday smiles are great - I like the first onee best, too.

    I suddenly remembered last week that my tax return had to be submitted by 31 January (I do it online - don't think they even sent me a form this time).  All went well at first, then the HMRC website wouldn't recognise my username and password.  Panic stations!  All went well in the end, I'm glad to say and that's it for another year. 

    AQ I've just read a detective story written by Bronwyn Parry and set in New South Wales.  It was very exciting - towards the end I had to keep reading and hoped OH wouldn't want food for a while!  It also reminded me that, when I was young, Mum bought a women's magazine which often had 'love stories' set in Australia, by a writer called Lucy Walker.  I used to love them but I'm sure that they were totally unrealistic, as were most of the stories in those magazines, I now realise!

    Must go and do some of the dreaded HD, then take dogs out for exercise.

  • Hello Everyone!  Lindybird your Monday smiles are great! thank you... I hope all the poorly ones soon feel better. ;)

  • Nice sunny morning here with a nip in the air, can't believe its still January, hope the rest of our winter is like this.  

    Linda ~ Sorry that yourself and OH had a bad night, nothing worse as you just feel yuck all day, hope you slept better last night even if hubby didnt.  Thanks for the Monday Morning smiles, love the little Blue Tit one, looks like he is doing "Pull Ups" or whatever you call those things.

    Annette ~ So you had a bad night too, hope you were OK last night, I hate it when I can't sleep and thats been happening with myself too, taking ages to get to sleep then awake a few hours later.    Great that you picked up those fancy bino's at a good price.   You weren't in the photo of the watchers that was on the website you gave me the link to were you??

    OG ~ Have never seen a Siskin or Redpoll anywhere around here, I would be delighted to see them in the garden.   However once on a bike ride not far from the estate I seen a large hedge type tree with several goldfinches in it, so I know they are around.    Will try the Nyger again.   Only 12 days to the holiday now, only 5 days after coming home we are off down to Melrose for a week too, by that time it will almost be time for EJ to appear, I can't wait I am quite excited about it, as I only started watching last year after EJ laid her first egg, so to see her arrive back again is going to be so brilliant.

    Niteowl ~ Thanks for the info on the Earthflight programme, will look out for it.

    Alan ~ Great Eagle pic, TFS...

    Patriciat ~ Its sods law isnt it that the birds should all turn up this morning.  

    Thanks everyone for the chat, take care...

  • I posted this photograph over on the Osprey Chat Thread but got only one response, which is a great shame because I think this photograph by Kim Taylor is absolutely stunning, the clarity and the fact of the fish being so vibrant makes it such a beautiful photograph.    So I thought I would post it here too as this lady's photograph's of Osprey's are wonderful.   Hope you all agree!!!


    Unknown said:

    I came across this Website which featured some of Kim Taylor's stunning photographs of Ospreys, I have permission from Kim to post one of her wonderful photographs here, I chuckled when I saw the fish thinking I wonder what our EJ would think if Odin brought her in a beauty like this LOL.  


    Here is the link to Kim's Website, here is the other website that I found that has so much information on Ospreys and their Locations throughout the world,  

  • A lovely sunny day – cold start at minus 2C, but not much frost showing as ground was dry.  Plenty of bird action.  Been baking for the freezer – gingerbread just out of oven, so a wonderful aroma!  Good news for J: subject to PVG clearance (he is registered for work with young people) he will be on the “bank” for session work.  He needs to negotiate with his Job Centre adviser when he sees him this Friday, because he can’t declare his hours in advance.  Also, under the £5 rule, if he gets called for one session in any week he’ll be £2 better off, but if he works two or more sessions, he’ll be worse off – no wonder unemployed people don’t want to take part-time work!

    AQ – so glad you didn’t have another morning pill session to do and have handed over HRH Jasper.  Good that Physio was pleased with you.

    Linda – sorry OH’s back is so persistent – wouldn’t be my choice of film to calm one down (it is one I have seen), but hope he enjoyed it!  Great Animal Smiles – and brilliant captions!  I have also delayed on bird report because the site gets so busy.  That RTA in Florida looks horrific,

    Brenda – a good night’s sleep and no sneezes or coughs this morning.

    Alan – thanks for recent egg report and captures.

    Margo – looking forward to your “real” post later – sorry about problems.

    Break for lunch – will start with reply to Heather when I return!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • MaryGK : Thanks for the pic although I have seen it before. Someone will not be happy that one of their Koi carp has been taken. I suspect that may be the reason the ospreys are not too popular with certain Koi pond owners around Rutland Water.

  • MaryGK -  Thankyou for the pic and links, I have seen Kim Taylors work on Flikr before and she has lots of brilliant photo's, there are lots of good Osprey photo's from quite a few others too! ;)