Welcome, Frinds, to our GABFEST room with its cheerful fire and plenty of comfortable seating for everyone.
The program will start at 6:oop.m. In the meantime, please enter NOW and sign in, please! It will be helpful if you make your presence known promptly so we can form our Presentation List and be ready to start presentations once the program opens at 6:00..
For the benefit of newcomers: Going down the Presentation list, I take turns calling a name. When your name is called you then post one selection for everybody to listen to.
Many of us are going to try the “Blue link” method, which Keith taught us recently, but please feel free to use whatever method is comfortable for you.
B&B it won't work, i just had a practice & failed LOL
I know lol. did you click on use risch formatting before you copied it?
If not we can copy into you-tube anyway
Hello all - JUNE I will sign in but do not understand the format toaday as it appears some have posted all at 5:32 - I will await your instructions.
try again sugar
Welcome Keith, The format is the same as it has been the last 2 or 3 nights and instructions already are posted in the welcome to this thread. Apparently they are invisible to every one but me.
Open up two browsers one on You Tube the other open on Gabfest Music IV then its hey presto copy paste one to the other and listen to the other bloggers choices by switching browsers.
Do not forget to put your paste into Rich Formatting to bring it Blue then we just click on it.
sugar not sure as even if you copy and paste it does not work. try another or just post the video as it is allowed.
FISH - Your night started and finished in one posting - what happened.
Keith maybe I have told sugar wrong but I copy from my browser then use rich formatting then paste.
Ys I'll pobably get indigestion. I always get flustered trying to get this started. I see it is now six oclock so I will open the program, star the List and be ready to call the first name.