Dunedin male:

  •  Mummy back now keeping them safe - must find out names - although I can't speak Finnish!!

    © Voitto Pulkkinen.


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • WendyBartter : The pics from the Hailuoto nest in Finland are copywright protected. You need to put 'Copywright Voitto Pulkkinen' on each one.

    Permission to use screen captures from the Hailuoto-Marjaniemi Osprey-nest webcam:

    All screen capture images from the Hailuoto-Marjaniemi Osprey-nest webcam are available for use in non-commercial and non-profitable connections, but use by media such as television, newspapers etc. is prohibited.

    Recording and presenting of recorded video stream in other than private use is prohibited.
    Screen captures may be uploaded and stored in commercial photo-hosting websites, such as Photobucket, ImageShack, Flickr, Pic-Upload, etc.

    If screen capture images from the Hailuoto-Marjaniemi Osprey-nest webcam are posted to any website, forum or blog, the name of the original owner of the image copyrights must mentioned: © Voitto Pulkkinen.

    Posting of videos from Hailuoto-Marjaniemi Osprey webcams to any website is prohibited.

    The rights of all the images from Hailuoto-Marjaniemi Osprey webcams are reserved by the original copyright owner, Voitto Pulkkinen.

    Oulunsalo, Finland 16th March 2010

    Voitto Pulkkinen
    Studio V.Pulkkinen"

  • Thanks for correcting me Alan - obviously I didn't realise

    Even more pleased to capture this pic which I think shows weeny one's full crop - do you agree?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Alan - good afternoon to you - is there any way I can go back on previous postings to enter the copywright details?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Wendy : Did not mean to sound authoritarian as obviously you did not know. It is only the Hailuoto nest that requires copyright notice. The Estonian, Latvian and the Seili nests are ok as far as I know.

  • Alan - did you notice that I then put copywright on wrong pic - panicking!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • It looks like mummy is wondering what that little grey blob is doing in her nest - hope s/he carries on being feisty!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Goodnight peoples - leave you with pic showing all is well at Manton Bay


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • just realised put this on wrong forum - sorry


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • WendyBartter said:
    is there any way I can go back on previous postings to enter the copywright details?

    I'm not sure if you've been answered or not, WENDY, this is one of my falling asleep times of the day ;-)

    However, you can edit your posts if you click on the pencil icon underneath each one.

    Regarding chick #3 in Estonia: I, too, worry about it, but like you I have found that it does get fed after the 2 biggies have had their fill.  That nest seems very well supplied with fish so there must be more hope for #3 than at Loch Garten, less likelihood of it falling behind in growth because of little food, and less likelihood of aggression from siblings fearing competition.  That's what I reckon, anyway :-)

    This is the nest this morning, it seems to have changed a lot, even discounting the big piece of bark - over which, if you really try, you can see the grey head of a chick peeking up ;-)


    This is the nest several days ago - fewer thick branches, I think - someone's been working hard!