A guid New Year to ane an` a` and mony may ye see!
Thanks Diane for new week and New Year! Trying to keep eyes open till midnight
A HAPPY, HEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL - and hopefully three healthy chicks for EJ and Odin, and safe return of "oor three"!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Happy New Year!Wishing ALL peace, joy and good health for 2012.
Fairly quiet NYE. We watched the 2011 Edinburgh Tattoo on TV. Later I woke from a doze over my book to find OH had gone to bed early. Then a few eager people nearby let off their fireworks at 11.30 pm - probably had been watching the telecast from Sydney (half hour ahead). At midnight I could hear the official fireworks on the Torrens River in the city. Couldn't see them this year, usually we can see the high bursts over the houses. After 15 mins in the final burst there was a sound like the soundtrack of a war movie and then silence. No dogs barking. Bar mine & one other light, the houses in our street were in darkness!
The usual numbers at church today - I sat under the air-conditioner! Another hot day, expecting 41 C in the city, tho' again we have it cooler here. Diane - The heat is dry, so more bearable. By Tues when we expect showers and 35, it will be unbearably humid. I avoid using the oven, so salad rolls for lunch and for tea tonight ham & more salad. M-i-l rang to say too hot for OH to visit her, however he will decide this pm. We have an air-conditioner but it struggles when the house stays hot after a few days (& nights) of a heatwave. In ye olden days Aussie houses were built with wide verandahs, rooms were high. Now they build little hot-boxes and a-c it vital. No wonder we need more electricity.
Christchurch NZ had a 4.8 tremour yesterday.
Sheila - I hope you can resolve something with Aunt's chemist. "We deliver", yes but we are inflexible these days.
OG - A standard comment here with lingering coughs is "It will be gone by Christmas". Admittedly they are referring to our after-winter coughs.
Happy new year to all
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A very Happy New year to you all!
Happy New Year everyone.
Hope that 2012 is as exciting as 2011 at least is osprey land.
Tiger Signature
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Diane and AQ thankyou for starting us off a new week and a new year.
two more from tonights display
AQ = just seen your note that Christchurch has had another tremor - they really are getting it - lets hope that they will stop soon.
We went for a drive this afternoon around part of Northamptonshire and I took a few pics of the afternoon sun through clouds plus the winter skyline - quite a balmy day really.
the one with the sheep on was taken by the same lake but looking more to the left away from the cloud formation and sun - wouldn't believe it was the same time of day but it was.