Hi everyone. If you didn't catch pages 20 and 21 of last week's blog, check them out for lovely photos of Woodpigeons, sunset at Solway, and a wonderful shot of 10 puppies!! And, of course, interesting and funny posts from fellow bloggers.
There have been heritage seeds about, but there seems to be some sort of European directive which tells us what can be bought and sold, which could see some strains die out. However, there is a national seed bank as an insurance against catastrophe, and in some areas, gardeners get together to exchange seeds and plants, without money changing hands, so nothing is bought or sold!
I guess your heirloom tomatoes are older than ours, since (I think) tomatoes originated in the Americas. I grow modern small fruited "baby plum" varieties, as I find they do well in our Scottish summer, and ripen faster than the big ones. They crop quite heavily, and are sweet and juicy. We can (just , in agood year) grow them outside here on the Solway Firth, but need to grow them under glass for a guaranteed crop.
The greenhouse only "looks extremely tidy & well organised" at certain times of the year - in winter and especially spring, I run out of space, so have two plastic "mini-greenhouses" too, and when the tomatoes and cucumbers get really rampant and fruiting, they take up much more space! When I work in there, it also reminds me of my father too - I used to "help" him in his greenhouse and garden.
Leaves were drifting down here today, too, quite a sudden late fall - reminded me of certain people and their Leaf Blowers among our friends in this blog!!!!
Know what you mean about a clock in every room!! Already sent OH to start with clocks in car, greenhouse, garage, outdoor lighting timer!!!
If we did stop changing clocks, would we revert to GMT all year round (as our winter), or stay with BST and call it conforming with our continental "friends" with EST? Saw an article on BBC website suggesting the latter for "the UK" but suggesting Scotland could still have "Tundra time" - apparently this guy thinks we have continuous permafrost and eighteen hours darkness right though October to March!!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Caerann: Thanks for the Maine Coon info, silver tabby mix sounds pretty. By targets do you mean concentric rings? Queenie didn't have those.
We called her Queenie because she was rather imperious, expecting people to do her bidding. She used to sit in the lane demanding the cars to stop and sadly one didn't, so we didn't have her for very long. She just turned up one day, very thin, and adopted us, but liked to go outside a lot, so we didn't stop her. We live in a country lane just a mile from a small town and people seem to think it's a good place to dump unwanted cats, we have quite a few living here now. I think I can find a side view of her... oh yes, and it shows a short thick tail too. It's lovely that all these bird people like cats too. I find cats soon grow out of catching birds (usually). Apologies for putting another pic up but it's to show tail and sides to aid identification!!! Thanks all.
Terry in Cumbria
TerryM, that's a lovely photo of Queenie. I'm sure she loved being part of your family.
I've posted a couple more shots of Tiger in My Gallery, for anyone who's interested.
We put our clocks back one hour at the beginning of the month for Australian Eastern Summer Time. It does get a little confusing over here, becasue Queensland won't use daylight saving and although there have been attempts to standardise starting and finishing dates, I think it still happens with up to 2 weeks difference between states. AQ, I think you went back an hour last weekend, didn't you? I could be a little confused by our 30 mins time difference anyway, though. I love daylight saving time because, being a redhead, I burn very easily. Daylight saving helps me get any outside work done early in the morning before the sun builds up to full strength (and heat). Then I can happily return to air conditioned comfort with a clear conscience! I'm also able to enjoy the long evenings outside after I finish kitchen duties for the day!
Smiles, Jan.
Wow, it's nearly midnight...must go to bed, but I've just downloaded Google Earth and I've been playing with it. So easy to get carried away! Good job we get an extra hour tomorrow. I'll need it to try and work out Flying With Ospreys - The Tour. I don't suppose I'll be able to find everybody's helpful tips now I need them.
Just started a new weekly chat.