Hi everyone. If you didn't catch pages 20 and 21 of last week's blog, check them out for lovely photos of Woodpigeons, sunset at Solway, and a wonderful shot of 10 puppies!! And, of course, interesting and funny posts from fellow bloggers.
what great pictures AQ, thanks so much:)
Evenin' all. Lots of work at the roses this evening; sunset was at 6:14; sunrise is 7:12. The Mission bells are rung every evening at 6 p.m. and it was really dusk at that time. We'll put our clocks back Saturday night, October 31.
OG: Looks like you've got a lot going on in your back garden; my sister has a lot of container plants which look wonderful in bloom. I think different pots might be more interesting. (Love "I used to be undecided, but now I'm not so sure" - never heard that before!) What do you grow in the greenhouse? Now typing in Ctrl/Bold mode: seems to work okay.
AQ: Love those shots, especially those pretty Kiang (donkeys/asses? must check on the difference).
Have a nice Saturday everyone. Going to fall into bed early this evening (another fun-packed Friday night in Southern California). :-)
Just stopping in on my way to bed to say hi to everyone.
Gary: Poor horses! All that filing away at their teeth. Makes me cringe. During my last root canal, I watched the whole procedure on the oral surgeon's video cam. I kept trying to ask questions and made him explain everything. Didn't trust the guy to do it right. LOL
AQ: I so loved the pic of the Kiangs, Tibetan Wild Asses -- I looked them up. They lead very unusual lives. They live in very tight herds that don't scatter. A herd is led by an old female. The herd travels single file, and the kiangs appear to do everything together in unison, including eating, drinking, turning, and running. And they like to swim in rivers! I hope you don't mind; I copied the picture to put on my desktop to look at them this week.
Annette: Hope you are getting your lovely new kitchen organized. Would love to hear the mission bells. Our sunrise today was at 8:08 AM EDT. I happened to be up, and dawn seemed to take forever this morning.
Have a good weekend, folks.
Good Night/Morning All!
I love the cat photos everyone has posted!
TerryM it sure looks like you have a Maine Coon or a mix at the very least. I had a Maine Coon/Silver Tabby mix so my kitty had shorter hair but the ringed tail, same type of facial coloring/patterns as yours and he had the targets on the sides. Couldn't see from the photo if your kitty has any targeting or not. They're definitely a wonderful breed!
OG: Your garden past and present are simply gorgeous!
Annette: I didn't know you were a rose gardener and at such a beautiful location too.
It so nice to learn more about everyone and the places you live in and your pets. =O)
AQ: Thanks so much for asking after your bird that makes the chip call. I'll be interested to know what you find out. =O)
More awesome Osprey photos! I found these by accident among other nature photos by the photographer and they're beautiful. If the bird(s) weren't from Canada I might think they were R.M. or G. =O)
Morning all! Quick visit here before shopping mission. Love love love those cat pics and stories! I am defenetely cat person, though love dogs as well and all animals.
gary a said: The dentsit for the horses. They have their teeth filed/floated to take off any sharp edges. Also check the bite is OK. Dentist has a contraption that keeps the mouth open and she sticks her hand in and uses long files to file away!! She also has electric ones if there is a lot to do. You have to give the horse a mild sedative otherwise they would never stand still (suprisingly!!)
The dentsit for the horses. They have their teeth filed/floated to take off any sharp edges. Also check the bite is OK. Dentist has a contraption that keeps the mouth open and she sticks her hand in and uses long files to file away!! She also has electric ones if there is a lot to do. You have to give the horse a mild sedative otherwise they would never stand still (suprisingly!!)
Gary, I have assisted a vet once when he was filing horses teeth. I held the horses tongue, what an experience, not sure I ever want to do that again...
my photos in flickr
Happy Saturday All!
AQ - Loved the "Grass is Greener" Photo - and the Kiang whispering!
Annette - Greenhouse is for overwintering some tender plants, starting off seeds in spring, and growing tomatoes, cucumbers & bell peppers in summer.
Greenhouse in June:
1. Working area, herbs on shelf, bits & pieces left foreground
2. Tomatoes, cucumbers in shaded area (no peppers that year (2008)
Caerrann -Thanks for osprey link - great sharp photos, lovely birds!!!!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
morning/afternoon all.
A wet /grey day here and it's only going to get worse!!
Auntie, rather you than me, holding the tongue but as you say, I'm sure it was an experience.!
Diane, I'm not sure i would want to see what the dentist is up to!! Could be too graphic for me LOL
Caerann, those photo's are so good. Thanks very much. As you say, they could easily be "our girls"