Bynack has obviously decided that the area he, Leri and Joe were in does not have much to offer as he has travelled north again and returned to the wetlands of Mauritania, west of Dara and north of the Oiseaux de Djoudj National Park. We are only receiving two points a day now, but it is interesting to see that he seems to be flying between two distinct areas each morning and evening.
Tore remains in the same area still on the Casamance River. Only one point from Rothes on the 6th November and she is still in the same area.
In case some of miss it I have replied to Sue C comments on the end of the last blog:
Sue C - I've looked at Bynack's data for the 30th at 17.00 and his co-ordinates were 16.03883 -16.39600 which is to east of St Louis airport, its a distinct possibility that it was Bynack that Frederic saw. What fantastic news if it was him!
And now I will hand you over to Phil who is a long term volunteer here at Abernethy and has been helping with the satellite tracking:
On the 29th September I started a long term volunteer placement at RSPB Abernethy. Having spent a week here in February 2010, in the snow, I really appreciate the opportunity to spend an extended period here learning about the reserve.
During the first few weeks here I've been involved in a variety of projects from cutting samples from granny pines to date fire scars, to building dams to block misplaced drainage ditches. I'm also relishing spending time with the staff who are enthusiastic, helpful and extremely knowledgeable with regards to the environment we're working in.
I've been hoping to return to the reserve since my visit last year, because I'm a big fan of the Caledonian forest. Since I've been back I've had some great sightings including golden eagle, female hen harrier, black grouse lekking, Cyclosa conica and the gorgeous leaf beetle Chrysomela aenea. I've also had my first sighting of capercaillie as well as regular views of the local finches, tits (including crested), woodpeckers and squirrels.
However, my caper sightings have all been female, so that's something to work on. I'm also hoping to see ptarmigan and snow bunting while I'm here. I believe there is a good chance of seeing these up Cairngorm and the surrounding mountains. I'll also be happy when the snow and colder weather gets here. It's easier to work out what I'm going to wear for the day when I'm not having to juggle rain, warm weather and work.
Cheers for now, Phil.
original goldfinch, we are all relieved and wonderful news.
Thank you JulieQ.
Phil I love your explanation of why you enjoy winter, at least you know you have to wear warm clothes but I disagree because I wish I could remember summer and sure you will enjoy your time volunteering at LG this winter and yes a beautiful place and hope you do not get snowed in :)
It looks as though Bynack decided to get out of the area near Lampsar where Leri was pdq - he covered 29 miles during two data points! He is now back in the area he spent quite some time in October, and it looks idyllic for ospreys! Clever lad.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Sheila FE -- great pictures . can i draw your attention to the first picture.. the island in the centre - on the left side i can see a bird perched, do you think it could be an OSPREY .. and I WONDER who it could be.. wishful thinking
Hmmm perhaps wishful thinking, it is so difficult to tell, but well spotted SUNSHINE!
SheilaFE, Don't be surprised at Sunshine. That's just his birder skills kicking in, I'm sure.
But i am here to compliment you on the lovely pictures. However, I cannot find any identifying info. Am I correct in assuming these are photos of the area bynack has just moved to?
SheilaFE thanks for the lovely photo's and just had to post because laughing at June's post Sunshine's birder skills kicking in :)
Thank you SHEILAFE Fantastic pictures Looks like a paradise for our dear boy
Unknown said: But i am here to compliment you on the lovely pictures. However, I cannot find any identifying info. Am I correct in assuming these are photos of the area bynack has just moved to?
You've got me wondering June, whether or not I actually picked up photos from where Tore is!! They were picked at random from the Panaramio photos which you can see when you zoom in on GE - the little blue boxes. I cannot find those three now, but I am sure I was on Bynack's route when I found them!! So, yes, they are (I think) photos of the area Bynack has returned to. He was there in October before moving south to Leri's (possibly) dangerous terrain - although I see that Frederic has put another blog up saying he is not so sure she is dead now. He seems to think it might be an equipment malfunction, and needs more waterproof gear to get into the watery area - not a good thing in hot weather!