Weekly Chat, Sunday 6 November 2011

Heather has been in contact with Margo and posted the following yesterday:

"Hello all - I have just had a call from Margo and she has asked me to post this message.

Things just have not gone smoothly for the family, Margo and her other sister were unable to make the journey yesterday to see their deceased sister in the Funeral Home, as they had hoped to do. Due to red tape there has been a delay in registering the death, so the earliest that Margo and her sister can go and see their sister in the Funeral Home is Wednesday. The funeral is not for nearly two weeks which seems a very long time.

I have told Margo that there are lots of messages on the blog and she wants to thank you all, she does not feel able to look in at present but will do so as soon as she feels stronger. Indeed, I read out a few of your messages and Margo could not hold back the tears.

Margo's BiL is not coping very well but is receiving wonderful support from his two children. Margo's communication since her sister's death has been with her nephew, because her BiL just cannot speak about things at present.

Would who ever starts next week's page please mention Margo's thanks? "

  • Heather - Thank you very much for being our link to Margo. I'm sure we all feel for her and her family at this dreadful delay. 

    Margo - Prayers & hugs.

    OG - Good that the threesome is working. Hope Son gets work soon.

    Alicat - That's awful about the old lady. Her poor family.

    Linda - Lizette was rather sluggish as it was 8 am and it was still a bit chilly. Lizarda moved into cover quite quickly when I disturbed her sun-baking last year.

    Terry - Blue-tongue lizards do tend to flatten themselves to appear bigger and more threatening when disturbed. And flash the blue tongue to scare off trouble. The adult that OH saw in our backyard is now almost 2 feet long - they can grow to 3 feet. I do watch where I place my feet in vegie patch nowadays especially as I am usually barefoot!

    Alan - We too have small brown skinks, the 10 cm Common Garden or Drop-Tail Skink. One tries to live under the weather guard on our front door. This morn it wandered in our front door when OH was feeding magpies and he couldn't shoo it out as Mrs Magpie was interested. Don't know where it is now. I dare say I shall see it when sitting relaxed this eve . . . <sigh> is our place a lizard haven?

  • Evening all: Hope you all survived the Guy Fawkes fireworks. That awful crash on the M5 made our national news here today; what a ghastly catastrophe when you think of all those families whose lives will never been the same. Just awful. Did a few small errands today; OH finally felt well enough to get out of bed at 4:30 this afternoon for some soup; then again around 7 this evening, so he's on the mend. We're supposed to go out tomorrow afternoon to an event hosted by the group he volunteers with, but I doubt we'll make it (I was looking forward to yummy catered eats and not having to cook dinner, but oh well, in the greater scheme of things....).

    AQ: Thanks for starting us off and for reposting Heather's note about Margo.   Sounds like the magpie "experts" should be as flexible as their subjects. Maybe fat little Lizette was imprinted with a wheelie bin early on? Had to laugh at Terry's comment. :-)  I've noticed a lot of tiny lizards scampering around our garden recently. We had a lot when we first moved in back in 05; then they disappeared when we sheet-mulched the lawn; now the drought-resistant plants have settled in they seem to be back in force - wonderful as long as Lightning doesn't get too close to them.

    Heather: Thanks - again - for acting as intermediary between us and poor Margo. Two weeks does seem like a long time before the funeral....

    Lindybird: Thanks for the Anonymous review; sounds interesting, especially the evolution of Rhys Ifans. I think it was the Ahi Tartare that did my OH in; doubt he'll be that adventuresome next time we go out. Seems like Aged Auntie has a big birthday celebration every week! Have you hung up all your clothes now?

    Djoan: Hope your budgie didn't get too tangled up in your hair.

    Alicat: A belated happy birthday to Bobbie but oh - that's awfully sad news about the lady who went missing.

    Sandra: Thanks for keeping us up to date on the owls!

    patriciat: Do hope that Collie finds a home. :-(

    Alan: Spent all Friday doing food shopping and came across a Cheerio mountain at local supermarket. Costco's landscape involved huge cliffs made up of Christmas chocolate offerings.

    Diane: Haven't checked out those cams yet, but did you see the PBS program where they disguised the cam in a "snowball"?

    OG: Sounds like things are going really well with your son at home; so happy to hear it! I have a list of chores to do in the garden over the next few weeks. We had our first rain of the season yesterday, with more light showers due tomorrow and again at the end of next week. Hurray!

    We're putting our clocks back tonight (so nice that our Cable TV and Cell Phone providers take care of the electronics). Take care ALL and have a good Sunday.

  • This is brilliant. A technical hitch at an Oban community firework display meant that all the fireworks were let off in a minute:

  • Alan, what a great noise and display.  I remember when I was small we were having a firework display in the garden and a spark from a Catherine Wheel went into the box and the whole lot went up in the air and rockets were shooting along the ground, all the kids were terrified but when you are older and think back it was quite funny as we were trying to rush into the house together and pulling doors instead of pushing 10 people wide - what a dissaster - nobody ever came to our house for Bonfire Night again!!!!

  • Good Morning:  Lovely & sunny here, after an early morning mist. Hope to go out soon.

    Alan:  You made me laugh all over again (we are still laughing about the dog in the goggles!)  - those fireworks are a hoot! -   I was Whoopin' & Hollerin' all the way through!

    Hope all the dogs and budgies (poor Harry!) have survived the bangs last night.  Strangely, Buzz was not as upset as usual, so there is an upside to becoming rather deaf!

    Aged Auntie certainly enjoyed herself with her two days of celebration - not many family members could make it 'on the day' so the party was yesterday. They had even arranged for an old schoolfriend of hers to be brought from Blackpool (miles from here) just to join in.  One of my OH's nieces has just announced her engagement, too, so there was an extra reason to celebrate.

    Diane:  not had time yet to look at your links - will do when I have a quiet moment later.  There were moving 'snowball' webcams in a film shown on  our TV not long ago, they were great.

    Alicat:  Sorry to hear about the old lady being found at last - at least now her poor family know what happened.  Doesnt sound as if they searched very thoroughly if she was found not too far away from home.

    Annette: The crash on the M5 has dominated our news for a couple of days - they are still not absolutely sure of the number of dead, as some of the vehicles were totally destroyed. A horrendous event, and not going to be easily forgotten by those who witnessed it all. If it was caused by the fog, I hope it will be a lesson to all those who overtake me when conditions are bad on the roads.  Good that your OH is slowly recovering.  Have hung up some of my clothes, but this morning my OH is putting some of the shelves in, in different places to where they are supposed to go - I have found it a more useful arrangement. No excuse for shoes on the floor now!

    OG:   Great news that your son is settling in well, and that you are all getting along fine.  My Best Wishes to him in his job search - I'm sure that like Mr. Micawber, "something will turn up!".  My OH has just been to harvest some of the beetroot still left at the Allotment, so the house has been full of that earthy smell you get when they are cooked.

    Must go and get some of that sunshine, now.  See you later.

  • ....ps  Nice to hear from Lmac - and what a funny story!!

  • Thanks for starting us of AQ and including Heather's message from Margo, its just awful that she is having to wait all that time, my heart goes out to her.

    Diane ~ I looked all last night for the meteor shower but only saw the stars I am afraid.   The Polar Bear links didnt work for me, came up with a message that said Bad Gateway.    Those were cool Ants in that front garden, but not sure I would like them in mine ha ha...

    Annette ~ Hope OH makes a quick recovery and that you might even make it to the Do at the Volunteers Group.

    Alan ~ Well the Oban firework display will go down in history, will probably get more hits on U-Tube than any other.    That was some Sea Eagle Rescue, glad that it was a happy outcome but having to swim to rescue it must have taken a big heart, those seas around Pennan and Crovie are usually quite rough.      I was trying to find the link to the dog with the goggles in the side-car but I couldnt find it anywhere, would you mind posting it again.

    OG ~ Glad that your son feels better at home and that you are all settled, all he needs is a job now which I hope he gets soon.

    AQ ~ While that blue tongued Lizard "Lizette" is quite nice to look at, I would run a mile if I saw one that size let alone seeing one at 2 to 3 feet long I would probably keel over ha ha.

    Linda ~ Glad you had a great time at the party, sounded a hoot, and so nice to get a long lost friend of your Aunts to attend.

    Its another beautiful day here, bright sunshine but a frosty start to the morning, all the cars in the street are covered in frost, now call me old fashioned but I can never get my head around them leaving the cars in their drives when all have a garage to put them in, especially when its during the week and they have to go to work, they'd rather spend 10 minutes in the freezing cold scraping cars than 2 mins putting their cars in the garage. (Rant Over).  We took a drive on Friday up the A9 to Blair Atholl, its quite spectacular with all the trees in their autumn colours, it was a bit misty though and we probably should have waited until the better weather at the weekend but knew the roads and everything else is always busier then.

    Thanks to everyone else for the chat and photos.

  • I was that boy who got hit on the head by a burnt out rocket falling back to earth :-(

    If it wasnt for bad luck I wouldnt have any luck what so ever lol.

    A very old Shropshire Lad.

  • Mary here is the link to the dog with goggles story:
