LG Osprey GABFEST - November

October has come and gone and once again it is time to open a new thread for the Gabfest..

During October we did finish the movie WILD MOUNTAIN THYME, complete with musical score, as planned. We launched it into distribution with its own World Premier. The Stars and most of the Supporting Cast were there appropriately dressed for their glitzy walk down the red carpet. Unfortunately co-stars EJ & ODEN and family were unable to attend as they are all currently on migration to Africa.

Keith surprised us with some very interesting bird & wildlife reports direct from the Sahara Dessert and from his own equatorial Island in the Sun. His on-the-spot factual reports helped us to understand the dangers our osprey face once they complete their long hazardous journey.

Our first music night was a smashing success that left everyone eager for the second.

Then we ended the month with a wonderfully thoughtful and caring discussion of the benefits or possible harm of the tracking of osprey and other birds.

NOVEMBER will bring continued reports and DISCUSSIONS of our own “Special Three“, Tore, Bynack and Rothes who have arrived safely in Africa. We will be watching especially for news of Bynack who has been in an area that seems to be potentially dangerous. We will be watching also for updates of young Ozwold who was VERY reluctant to leave Bonnie Scotland, but is finally taking a stopover in Spain where Roy Dennis says he can safely winter. So, will Ozwold stay in Spain? or will he move south?, on his own unique time schedule? We will also be following the adventures and misadventures of other tagged osprey, including Einion who had us holding our breath while he made a huge circle over the Atlantic, his siblings from the Dyfi nest and others that may come to our attention.  All this and much more is discussed on the Gabfest.

We expect to have The Second Gabfest Music Night toward the end of the month. The theme is yet to be discussed & determined.

This is the Freedom Forum, where fun, fact and fantasy combine to make a very unique thread. So come on in and chat a while with us. Our fire is bright and the latch is always open.

  • Sandra You've boomeranged me..LOL

    I did a cycle tour of UK capital cities in 2010.. I cycled from Cardiff to Port Eynon. Stayed at the Youth Hostel there on the Gower...a former life boat station.

    A lovely part of the world.

    Right time for bed.

    Black Jag.

    All for one and one for all.


  • Night night Sandra and thanks for the Map and cannot wait to visit Wales next yr. You are in a wonderful place.

    Black Jag the last time I cycled and a lot of years ago. I cycled to work and had to get a van driver to take me and my bike home. I was only in my twenties lol Well done :)

    Get to bed or I will be annoyed

    Night night June Lowry and all and spring the best time of year will be here soon. No bad winter I hope :)

  • A short while ago, I tuned in to WOBO, the radio station where my husband once hosted a blugrass/country program.  The program  picked up was their German program. so it was no surprise that the words of the song  being played was in German, but surprise! The tune was "Danny Boy".  I'd know "Danny Boy" sung in Japanese & that was Danny Boy.  Now they're playing  Waltzing Matilda -- in German, of course. Crazy.

  • Unknown said:

    Sunshine I think I have found somewhere, It was on the Wester Ross coastal route and we did not plan anything and I loved those 2 weeks touring:)

    B&B ~ Wester Ross is one of my favourite mainland places to go, we go up there twice a year.   Another is the Outer Hebrides, took the Hopscotch on Calmac once from Oban to Barra, North and South Uist, Harris and Lewis, absolutely stunning.    Been back to Harris last year but would love to do the hopscotch once again.     I have never been to Glen Affric although its on my tick list of places to visit as I have seen some stunning photos of it.  

    This is my favourite caravan site of all.   It is in the small hamlet of Laide between Aultbea and Gruinard Bay.


    Black Jaguar ~ Here is a view of the Cuillins from Elgol in Skye, well worth the journey.

    Your photo of Vatersay Bay was beautiful, here is another of the beach from a different angle.

    Cocklestrand in Barra, was something else to watch the scheduled BA Flight land on the Beach

    Went up to the Isle of Harris Feb 10, was great to see it in the winter too.   Some photos taken on this trip.

    Just south of Ullapool


    Luskentyre where we stayed

    Scarista - Harris


  • B&B, I think we are very lucky in the UK to live in such a beautiful country, I love the Yorkshire Dales and also the area west of Whitby, spent a nice week exploring "Heartbeat" Country, and Goatland.      Not to leave out June's USA, makes you think about the beauty that is in this wonderful world of ours, so many fantastic countries.

    Sandra is also in another lovely area, such a beautiful coastline all the way along to St. Davids.

  • Good morning, Morning People.  Lovely scenery, MaryGK especially those beaches & turquoise waters.  It's bedtime for this nightowl.  See you tomorrow

  • Hello All

    Up-date on the Dyfi site

    A write up on Roy Dennis's trip to find the Ospreys.


    BJ love the photo of you in your kilt, very smart

  • Thanks for the link, SUGAR.  Quite a thrill for me, a casual observer only, and already knowing the outcome.  What a thrilling occasion it must have been for fans watching the original program and anxious for news.  No wonder they were jumping up & down with excetment as they watched & reported back to the Gabfest.  I am happy for them.

  • Mary GK -- the photoa are great i remember easter 2006 parked on the lay-by at the side of LOCH DROMA..- if you look at the photo you can see an island in the middle of the loch . that is a man made island .. it is on a raft and when the water rises so does the raft.. black throated divers nest on the island and the nest doesn't get flooded whe then water level rises .