LG Osprey GABFEST - November

October has come and gone and once again it is time to open a new thread for the Gabfest..

During October we did finish the movie WILD MOUNTAIN THYME, complete with musical score, as planned. We launched it into distribution with its own World Premier. The Stars and most of the Supporting Cast were there appropriately dressed for their glitzy walk down the red carpet. Unfortunately co-stars EJ & ODEN and family were unable to attend as they are all currently on migration to Africa.

Keith surprised us with some very interesting bird & wildlife reports direct from the Sahara Dessert and from his own equatorial Island in the Sun. His on-the-spot factual reports helped us to understand the dangers our osprey face once they complete their long hazardous journey.

Our first music night was a smashing success that left everyone eager for the second.

Then we ended the month with a wonderfully thoughtful and caring discussion of the benefits or possible harm of the tracking of osprey and other birds.

NOVEMBER will bring continued reports and DISCUSSIONS of our own “Special Three“, Tore, Bynack and Rothes who have arrived safely in Africa. We will be watching especially for news of Bynack who has been in an area that seems to be potentially dangerous. We will be watching also for updates of young Ozwold who was VERY reluctant to leave Bonnie Scotland, but is finally taking a stopover in Spain where Roy Dennis says he can safely winter. So, will Ozwold stay in Spain? or will he move south?, on his own unique time schedule? We will also be following the adventures and misadventures of other tagged osprey, including Einion who had us holding our breath while he made a huge circle over the Atlantic, his siblings from the Dyfi nest and others that may come to our attention.  All this and much more is discussed on the Gabfest.

We expect to have The Second Gabfest Music Night toward the end of the month. The theme is yet to be discussed & determined.

This is the Freedom Forum, where fun, fact and fantasy combine to make a very unique thread. So come on in and chat a while with us. Our fire is bright and the latch is always open.

  • Good morning, Fish.  Thanks for your concern about Diane & me last evening, but as you can see, all is well.  Most storm watches come to nothing, just scare us to death for what might be.

    Nice report over on The Main Blog.  Our Special Three are all doing well.

    No need to get back at Keith.  After all, what's a little boy supposed to do when the visiting nurse has him under house arrest.  Of course he's bound to get into a little mischief -- just speeds the recovery.  He's not even in Big Trouble yet.  Never mind, Keith, we love you - AND your lovely Queen!

  • Did you know "Fish & Chips" used to be eaten wrapped in news paper in the 50/60th? Long time ago!!!!! Boy that dates me arrrrrrrrr

  • Yes, Fish, i had heard that! For a while  they were served here in special paper designed to look like newspaper.  One good thing about the real newspaper, it would soak up all the excess fat. And I understand you bought them at a walk up window, then ate them "on the go".

    Here, It's served on a throw-away plate with fries & coleslaw.  The menu has expanded just a little, but that is always my choice.  With a diet cola, of course - and malt vinegar for the fish and catchup for the fries.

  • B&B just picked up on your comment on one of the other threads:

    "one of my Grandads the tusk was broken and that was not down to me. He glued the tusk back and a very good antique and dont care if the value has gone, I would never part with it."

    Thanks for sharing your Grandad's elephant with us.  You've got your priorities exactly right, IMHO.

  • Hello All,

    I'm laughing so much at Keith's decleration to bring the USofA back into the comonwealth...

    Brilliant fun.

    Going metric..

    here's a conversation from a fruit and veg stall...

    Old Lady.. "I'll have 3 pounds of potatoes, Son"

    Vendor ... "Oh it's Kilos now Mrs"

    The Lady jooks at him blankly. then says

    "OK son Give me 3 pounds of Kilos"

    June I hope the tornado warning passed you by.

    All for one and one for all.


  • Great news Lmac,

    fledging time too.. if we have another boy like Bynack you may need ear defenders..

    Hope you don't need to do too many night shifts,

    maybe I'll see you there when I visit.

    All for one and one for all.


  • LOL yes the old ones are the best!!

    Wish I'd a shilling for every time I've heard that..

    All for one and one for all.


  • WHA'S Like US...

    The average Englishman, in the home he calls his castle, slips into his national costume, a shabby raincoat, patented by chemist Charles Macintosh from Glasgow, Scotland. En route to his office he strides along the English lane, surfaced by John Macadam of Ayr, Scotland,

    He drives an English car fitted with tyres invented by John Boyd Dunlop of Dreghorn, Scotland, arrives at the station and boards a train, the forerunner of which was a steam engine, invented by James Watt of Greenock, Scotland. He then pours himself a cup of coffee from a thermos flask, the latter invented by Dewar, a Scotsman from Kincardine-on-Forth.

    At the office he receives the mail bearing adhesive stamps invented by James Chalmers of Dundee, Scotland.

    During the day he uses the telephone invented by Alexander Graham Bell, born in Edinburgh, Scotland.

    At home in the evening his daughter pedals her bicycle invented by Kirkpatrick Macmillan, blacksmith of Dumfries, Scotland.

    He watches the news on his television, an invention of John Logie Baird of Helensburgh, Scotland, and hears an item about the U.S. Navy, founded by John Paul Jones of Kirkbean, Scotland.

    He has by now been reminded too much of Scotland and in desperation he picks up the Bible only to find that the first man mentioned in the good book is a Scot, King James VI, who authorised its translation.

    Nowhere can an Englishman turn to escape the ingenuity of the Scots.

    He could take to drink, but the Scots make the best in the world.

    He could take a rifle and end it all but the breech-loading rifle was invented by Captain Patrick of Pitfours, Scotland.

    If he escapes death, he might then find himself on an operating table injected with penicillin, which was discovered by Alexander Fleming of Darvel, Scotland, and given an anaesthetic, which was discovered by Sir James Young Simpson of Bathgate, Scotland.

    Out of the anaesthetic, he would find no comfort in learning he was as safe as the Bank of England founded by William Paterson of Dumfries, Scotland.

    Perhaps his only remaining hope would be to get a transfusion of guid Scottish blood which would entitle him to ask "Whas Like Us".

    All for one and one for all.


  • BJ maybe not as famous but

    henry cecil booth -the vacuum cleaner

    christopher cockerhill- hovercraft

    george stephenson - rail

    frank whittle - jet engine

    henry cavendish-hydrogen

    cpt cook - explore

    francis drake - explorer

    walter raleigh- explorer

    lord nelson




    on another subject remember on JUNES WILD MOUNTAIN THYME the song by PETULA CLARK -- SAILOR--- well she is 79 today