Weekly Chat, 16 October 2011


I've been trying to re-orient my mind to be more positive, calm, and courageous. I found this video to be uplifting. Probably not everyone's cup of tea (but the whales are great). :-)

I also like this soothing and hopeful video. The intro is in Danish, but the song is in English. The singer is from Greenland.

This week's sky news:

It's Doomsday!!! Comet Elenin -- or what's left of it -- will make its closest approach to Earth today. Conspiracy theorists called Elenin the "Doomsday Comet" and promoted wild apocalyptic rumors about the danger to Earth. It was said that Elenin would produce giant earthquakes, massive tsunamis, and Earth-destroying havoc...Oh...the horror! In reality, the comet poses no threat at all to Earth. LOL!!! We may or may not be able to see it with the naked eye as it passes 22 million miles away.

There is a 50% chance of geomagnetic storms today as Earth enters a stream of rushing solar wind. Watch for auroras (northern lights) in the higher latitudes and dropped cell (mobile) phone calls.

A small asteroid (named NEO 2009 TM8) will pass between Earth and the Moon. The rock is just 30+ feet or 8 m and poses no threat, although it's a close flyby. Phew...

17-26 October
The cosmic litter left behind by Halley's Comet will produce the Orionid Meteor Shower. The meteors will begin to increase around 17 October, with about 5 per hour. They'll peak on October 22, with about 20-30 per hour. Activity will then slowly decrease back to 5 per hour at the end of the shower on October 26. This could be a good show this year.

All Month
Comet Garradd can be seen through telescopes and binoculars.

I'll be back in a few hours to catch up with everyone. I need  to sleep for a while because I have a headache. Nothing serious. It's harvest season here, and the dust, mold, etc. is sweeping across the fields covering everything and making everyone feel yucky.

  • Hectic couple of days here - daughter back from Arizona a couple of weeks earlier than expected and g/daughter decided to drive back with her for a quick overnight visit; g'daughter flying back to Arizona tomorrow. Delilah being looked after by Dad for the night! Anyway, will catch up tomorrow.

    DIANE: Thanks for starting us off!

  • I shall be looking out for the Orionid meteor shower DIANE. I take it , it will be in the region of Orion ? Nice and easy to find at least.

    Hope the family visit goes smoothly ANNETTE - shame Deliah was left behind :)

  • Thanks Diane  for starting us off - lovely Woof last week. Thanks Linda for "my" churches, and Alan too. Enjoyed travel pics of Mary, Patricia, Joan.

    Dropped in to new mum to help, me inside chores, OH weeding. As Sabine hasn't gained weight, she is on 3 hour feeds - that doesn't leave much time for anything. Then we went on to m-i-l's nursing home for a choc brownies "party" for g-son's 14th birthday. Unfortunately he spent the whole time sulking in m-i-l's bathroom - don't know why - but his mother kept insisting he join us and of course he stubbornly couldn't lose face . . . DId I say 14? Perhaps he is only 4 or even 2?

    This is a pic taken through window while OH was "feeding-on-demand". Momma is rushing back for more food to stuff in Junior's gaping squawking beak.

  • Just recieved some nice jewelrey and a handbag mirror from OH for Birthday now he is taking me out for the day will be back later

  • Just bringing up the thread so it is above last weeks. Hope you are all OK, it has been very quiet on here today - not that I have been looking, I've also been busy! Brother and SiL arriving tomorrow for a week. Must away now, back to the kitchen---

  • Happy Birthday Alicat: Spent today putting g'daughter on plane back to Phoenix and helping daughter sort herself out re digs.  Back later to catch up - really!!

  • Hi, all. Quiet on here this weekend. Sorry I haven't been keeping up over the last few days. I'm having headaches due to harvest season here. Dust (and corn mold) blowing everywhere, even here in the woods. I have to clean off the car windscreens every time I drive. I'll be glad when they're finished.

    I went down the lane to the mailbox yesterday, and I noticed that no red cardinals were on the pokeberry bushes. As I approached, I heard this disturbing sound like electricity. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. It was them -- the wickedly aggressive Eastern Kingbird pair who once lived in my garage. They were making their ominous alarm call (like a downed power line). Wow, did I get an ear bashing from them. I think they still resent me for not letting them nest in the garage this spring! Or maybe they thought I'd take their berries. They gave me a good telling off. LOL!!! I told the male to chill out, but he was having none of it. He actually dive-bombed me, until I waved the water bill at him and told him to "Behave!" I love those cranky little birds. LOL!!!

    Now time to catch up:

    Everyone: Very many thanks to all of you who tried to help the American wolves by signing the petition: Fish, Lynette, Sandra, Alan, and dear Cirrus.  I sincerely appreciate it. The shoot-on-sight policy (unmanaged killing by any means at any time and place) is vicious and unethical, but it's also illogical. The American taxpayer once spent an enormous amount of money to re-introduce wolves back into their habitat in the western wilderness, and now the government is letting them be slaughtered. It's just one indication of how profoundly the United States is changing -- and not for the better. I weep for this country. Thanks to all.


  • Alan: Thank you for posting the lovely pic of the U.K. nuthatch -- a beautiful bird and a really nice photo! You're a good photographer. I did some research and discovered that there're actually 4 species of nuthatch in the U.S. Our red-breasted nuthatch looks more similar to the bird in your photo. I've seen only the white-breasted nutchatch on my land. I don't know why the other species aren't here; maybe they don't live well together. 

    Here's the American Red-Breasted Nuthatch:

    Photo by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Photographer: Dave Menke.
    Labeled: "Public Domain", copyright free.

    I hope you all are successful in stopping the badger cull. Such an injustice!!!

    catch-up continued...

  • Evening all: Phew! What a hectic few days! All good though. G'daughter now safely home with OH and Delilah; daughter and Oro moving back to their own digs tomorrow and back to "normal" for me and OH (that means the gym for me!).



    I see Margo hasn't been on for a couple of days and hope she's okay...

    Lindybird: We have three trash cans (wheelie bins) but they come in a variety of sizes thank heaven. I think a family of four could live happily in the largest!

    Alan/Lindybird: Those churches are lovely; very interesting architecture.

    Trish: Great that Mia is doing better.

    patriciat: Congrats on getting the pix uploaded. Your collies are gorgeous!

    Djoan: Thanks for lovely Killarney shots.

    Diane: I've signed several petitions for various causes lately and am now seeing a marked increase in spam e-mails, so am reluctant to make my e-mail available to any new groups. :-( Oh no! The Kingbird's are back giving you a hard time? Stand your ground now or they'll take over your garage again.

    MaryGK: Sorry the Lake District weather wasn't good but that the trip helped your neck pain. The area looks lovely, even in the rain.

    Cirrus: Looked in all corners of g'daughter's overnight bag but no Delilah this time!! :-))


    AQ: Sorry about g'son's sulking attack (maybe bathroom best place for him due to availability of flushing option?) :-)


    Rumor has it there's some Dulce de Leche ice cream lurking in the freezer......off I go to investigate. TAKE CARE EVERYONE.

  • Unknown said:


    Diane: I've signed several petitions for various causes lately and am now seeing a marked increase in spam e-mails, so am reluctant to make my e-mail available to any new groups. :-( Oh no! The Kingbird's are back giving you a hard time? Stand your ground now or they'll take over your garage again.

    Annette: That's perfectly fine; no worries at all. Just by way of information, though, I got a spam email a couple of months ago, and the sender had gotten my address from this RSPB site. The email directly mentioned this RSPB forum. I wasn't too concerned because I maintain a separate Yahoo email account for websites, political stuff, etc. I just let the spam filter kill all that nonsense. That way, I keep my Internet activities separate from personal/business affairs. I saw on the community forum here that others had the same experience, so I'm not the only one. I'm not complaining at the RSPB at all, just giving you the info because that could be the source of your recent problem. (I'm deeply grateful to have this site!)

    It sounds like you've  been very busy with family. I hope everyone is fine. I loved the photo of Delilah. She is extraordinarily beautiful and so charismatic for one so young. My niece has always been "wriggly" like that. Her legs haven't stopped moving since she was born. She's 6 now, and she dances all the time. She even choreographs her own little dance performances. :-) Hope you had a good time with your family.