Hi all:
Lindybird: I responded to your post at the end of the last Weekly Chat.
Afternoon everybody! My tiny fire-engine-red car`s name is Ziggy Stardust
Margobird: That farm sounds just lovely, hope you enjoy your trip!
Annette: chip and dale...chip `n dale...
Alan: Hamish is gorgeous! So noble and huggable same time.
Gary: Maby the snow they predicted here has been misplaced, but beeing a generous lass I won`t mind and I`m letting you keep it!
Caerann: Yes, the Aurora Borealis can sometimes be seen here ( 100km north from southborder), but they tend to be quite pale (unless it is reeeeeeeeaaaaaly cold). They are brighter and more colourful in northern part of Finland (Lapland).And there is allways some "lightpollution" = streetlamps etc here that does mild them down
my photos in flickr
Auntie: Aha! The penny has finally dropped! Chippendale. Indeed. Duh! :-) Love Ziggy Stardust!
Lindybird: I am defenetly going to make a finnish version of that "knikers knot"- saying!!!
Alan, thanks for your pictures. Makes you think how the deer keep their balance with a pair of those antlers on their head. Love the picture of Hamish. Our labrador died and we decided we would not have another dog but when I see pictures like yours, I do weaken and feel we have to get another one. (or maybe two.)
Gary thanks for that link to explain 'lake effect snow'. Have to admit I hadn't heard of it but I have now. My education still continues.
Nice antler, nice garden, nice dog - in no particular order!
We once had two cocker spaniel-based pups - like taking two vacuum cleaners for a walk - they pointed their way along the pavement, noses to the floor, sucking up anything (especially unmentionables) that they met! Dog pup grew at a huge rate and bullied the little ***, so we had him rehomed. Soon as he went (at about eleven months) she quickly doubled in size - he had been taking almost all the food! She had been next-to-runt in the litter, and grew into a small collie-look-alike, but with spaniel ears!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
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Thanks Annette could you order up say 5 more sunny days so we have good weather for the stay on the farm.
Thanks, Brenda - even though not much news.
Margobird: Consider it done. If they're late arriving, let me know and I'll overnight some sunny days from Southern California.