Weekly Chat, Sunday October 11, 2009

Hi all:

Lindybird: I responded to your post at the end of the last Weekly Chat.


  • Hi everyone ... been away in SW Ireland for a week, so have been catching up on all the news and chat!

    Maureen ... good to see you back again.

    Good to know the girls are doing well.

    Had a great time on holiday ... saw red deer loads of times every day ... and night ... including 2.30 a.m. and 5 a.m. ... stags bellowing and chasing each other not 30 feet from our hotel window ... magnificent :))) To cap it all we saw sea eagles on our last morning ... trying to fish in the lake, but being mobbed by hooded crows ... could have stayed there for ever! This stag was parading round while we were having breakfast :))

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • patriciat said:

    Hi, folks.  Just back from 2 weeks in Strathspey.  Too late for ospreys, of course, but red squirrels feeding a few feet from the kitchen window - every day!  Also visits from crested tits.  Lovely!  When we're on the subject of world championships, today was the World Porridge-Making Championship in Carrbridge, just a few miles from Loch Garten - honest!  It's hotly (!) contested and the prize is a Golden Spurtle a sputle is a wooden stick for stirring the porridge.  Don't we share very arcane information on this forum?

    hi patriciat

    the world porridge making championships were won by an american. my husband makes pretty good porridge with a wooden spoon, though someone told me that you really need a spurtle to make the best!

  • Great picture DJoanS, thanks. Sounds like you had a lovely time

    The stagg is still there.

    Annette, I enjoy Target as well. A great store!!

  • DjoanS, thank you for sharing your lovely photo. Stag are such a magnifient  and strong animal. I could watch them for hours. So glad you enjoyed your holiday.

    Maureen, so glad to see you back on line. 

    Just catching up with all the news after a long weekend away. What with Conkers, Porridge, and Shire horses, there is a lot to read.

  • margobird said:

    Alan he's really relaxing at the moment, can't stop watching him.  I live very near to the New Forest and you are very lucky to see them.  There is an enclosure where they put food out for them and earlier on this year I was lucky enough to see 2 white stags.

    oh lucky lucky you to see 2 white stags

  • hi annette

    hope you like our avatar. it is a photo of dillon taken at loch an eilein this weekend. my friends huskies do not get walked,so they won't be coming round the loch with us. in the autumn/winter months they train and race. summer even in the north of scotland is too hot for them to race and walking is out of the question as they would have to be on the lead and it would be no fun for them or my friends being pulled off their feet all the way. i said to my friend that the huskies must prefer it if she was racing them rather than charles. she is about 5 ft 4 ins and weighs 8 stones at a push. charles is 6 ft 4 ins and weighs 15 1/2 stone. surprisingly the answer is that charles is the better musher so the dogs prefer it when he is in charge.

    hope your weather has improved and wishing you well

  • That is the most laid back stag I have ever seen considering it is the rutting season.

  • Alan, Do you think the NF stag is ok. It doesn't appear to have any battle scars but appears very laid back and quiet ?

  • He is fine Brenda H . 2 hinds have just turned up and he is roaring. 

  • Is there any sound on this webcam?