The Osprey Chat Thread for September 2011

In response to the demand for an osprey chat thread I am now making one for September 2011.  I guess there will be quite a bit to chat about given the success of the extension thread.

  • SCYLLA - the blue teddy photos were posted by ChloeB and Tiger - nothing to do with me.

    Morning everyone. Cold, dark, wet & miserable here in Newcastle - hope others have a better day (especially Cirrus - it's no fun hiking in the rain!) At least I have no excuse not to stay in and catch up with neglected housework...

  • ‎09 has set out on migration! He was in Kent this morning and is probably flying through France by now...
    Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day in Rutland – the perfect day to start your migration. And that’s exactly what 09 did!
  • Moffer Thanks for that news. It is all happening.  I wonder if 9 head off in a better mood this year since I think he now has a relationship after a really long wait.

  • Morning all. Trying to catch up on some H/W, laundry this morning so just bobbing in and out from time to time.

    Yes all happening thick and fast now. We will have a job keeping up will all these tracked birds.

  • A short while ago I finished rading "Lady of the Loch". Apologies to those who have read it or watched their webcam, but evidently Lady was VERY ill for a few days last year and they fully expected her to die. Peter  Ferns thought that whatever "it" was, it could havea lasting effect.  Has anything been said thisyear about the illness having any connection with this year's unsuccesful breeding?

    I am imagining the next 5 months or so being like this for EJ Odin Tore Bynack Rothes and Uncle Tom Cobbly an' all   "In his PhD dissertation, "The wintering ecology of the osprey in Sengambia", Y A Provost showed the birds leading a more leisurely life than when further N ..the birds spend about 12 hours a day roosting or sleeping, an average 30 minutes foraging, another half an hour in flighlt not connected to hunting and the remainder of the time resting....a deservedly quiet life after their strenuous nesting season".

    This is what I am waiting for.... "According to Roy Dennis...............(he believes) that the osprey will one day once again catch fish on the R. Thames in central London" Part of the Thames is a mere 15 minutesawayfrom me

  • Rutland Birds.

    It looks as though AW has come to a stop north of Marbella, Spain. Still there yesterday! Is this his destination, or a stopover? Only time will tell.

    Satellite tracking has been updated on Google Earth; O9 was crossing the Channel at 10am this morning,


  • Just checking in before running off to my next event. I am thrilled about Einion! Tiger and Chloe --- you must be so relieved and excited, having watched Einion come into the world! :)

    Crossing fingers regarding Tore's and Bynack's successful migration to Africa.

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Lovely to see you, CC, if fleetingly :-)


  • Hey, you here scylla?? I scan the posts occasionally, before going to work, to see if the migrations are past worry. :-/ But then when I get back at the end of the day, you are all asleep! How are you doing these days???

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • I'm missing terribly the presence of our osprey family :'(  But their lives come first, of course, they gotta do what they gotta do ;-)