The Osprey Chat Thread for September 2011

In response to the demand for an osprey chat thread I am now making one for September 2011.  I guess there will be quite a bit to chat about given the success of the extension thread.

  • RACHEL...only just around to looking at Florida photos......absolutely stunning Thank you so much.   Did "they" have any theories as to why only one chick survived?

  • I hope I don't get my knuckles wrapped but I have to report what a really lovely half hour I had yesterday lunch time. Whilst I ate my pea soup and read "Lady of the Loch" I was keeping my eye on a group of, i think, about 8-9 elephants at a river. Sadly, they weren't outside my window but via another webcam at, I presume, something like a safari lodge, that I had reached through the link to PP owl. Ain't cyberspace amazin'??

  • I heard that ospreys like to introduce "all sorts" into their nests, but a bright blue teddy?! :o

    Pic saved with glee!


    PATILY - cyberspace sure is amazing - you're never alone ;-D  I'm on a techie forum at the mo trying to find out why I cannot watch the Oz osprey cam.

  • Morning Scylla and Patily.

    Scylla, I had to install from the Oz Osprey site to allow access and then it took ages to get the cam. It's not a cam like LG but refreshes every 5 seconds and the pic is from above without sound.

  • I expect lots of you know this already but in "Lady.... it says in spite of protectection, and nest guarding etc. at least 100 osprey eggs have been robbed since they started to regularly breed in Scotland again and one robbery was as recently as 2009.

    Another interesting part was about the rights and wrongs of naming individuls.  Some believe that giving them names turns them into personalities instead of wild birds Others suggest that referring to them only by their ring ID "does not help in involving the naminh the subjects.....people are able to identify easily with them. They feel excluded if the birds are referrred to scientifically."

    The author,Helen Armitage, concludes "perhaps anyone who feels this is undignified for the wild birds.......might find comfort in TS Eliot's theory about namimg cats: Cats have 3 different names-the name you give them, the name they aswer to, and the name that only they know"

  • Moning SCYLLA & MOFFER

    HOW could I have forgotten to say Well Done Einion?

    Now that we are in Sept & LG is closed do we just get an update on Tore Bynack & Rothes weekly and who posts the info?

  • patily said:

    RACHEL...only just around to looking at Florida photos......absolutely stunning Thank you so much.   Did "they" have any theories as to why only one chick survived?

    As far as I can remember, youngest chick was bullied by eldest - they reckoned starved and/ or pecked to death; the other chick was thought to have starved - this despite the nest site apparently being surrounded by water and only approachable by boat - so it rather sounded as if the male wasn't a particularly good provider.

    I found the link on facebook I think (might have been twitter, but in either case, via one of the other UK nests we try to keep up with), so really surprised that noone else on here found it independently. I'm glad everyone else is as impressed by them as I was!

  • No time to do more than say ''Hello'' EVERYONE (have to be out in an hour hiking ) but tried to speed read a few pages. Very grateful to all who posted pics, maps and links.

    I gather we are not getting daily updates. OK . But at least we are up to the 1st Sept.

    Tore is nicely enjoying her holiday on the south coast and sampling (I trust) no end of the best of British chish and fips.

    Bynack too seems to be enjoying his river - I'm sure French fish have a flavour all of their own   :)

    Do enjoy your individual days and I hope to park for a more lengthy spell on this thread tomorrow.

    Phew!  SO VERY pleased to read about EINION  . I'm sure he'll sort out a better route when he next heads north.

  • Thanks for the webcam info, MOFFER - I did install Flash from the site but no change :(

    RACHEL, I didn't see the "teddy as pillow" earlier - smashing, thanks!

    PATILY, that is dreadful info re the egg-stealing.

    As for naming - I prefer them to have names, but maybe it's best to choose "inhuman names" like Tore and Bynack - such names define them as a separate species from us, yet allow them to be our dear children or friends where numbers would not allow it.  Even EJ becomes a name with familiarity, but numbers?  No.


    Hello-goodbye, CIRRUS, have a lovely day! :-*

  • Agreed SCYLL (we overposted)  , numbers?  Definitely NOT