Weekly Chat, Sunday 21 August 2011

Check back to last week for Annette's pic of her cactus flower which only lasts one night. (Flower that is,not the pic!)  Alicat has further injuries - we shall have to take up a collection to wrap her in cotton wool. Seriously, I hope you are feeling better soon.

Beautiful sunny day here, expecting 19 C, with temp rising to 22 C for the rest of the week.

  • Hey AQ: Thanks for starting us off! Another nice day here - what am I saying - the sun didn't come out until 2, but I'd done the grocery shopping and been to the gym by then. Tomorrow it's the Farmer's Market for some peppers and peaches,  I'm thinking Alicat needs bubble wrap! :-)

    Watched part of the Chelsea vs. West Brom match live at Costco this morning - the two sales guys working today were soccer fans and tuned half the display TV sets to a Sport Channel.

    Not good news about the Red Arrow that went down during the Bournemouth air show - not good for the pilots or the folks who saw it.  I remember the Farnborough Air show disaster of the 1950s....


  • Tragic news about the Red Arrow that went down.  So soon after the last accident though that obviously wasn't a fatality.  They are so spectacular I hope we don't lose them.

  • Good morning all and weather forecast has it all wrong again, supposed to be sunny an guess what we have had several really heavy showers. Wanted to put washing out but it will have to dry indoors again, thank goodness we invested in a dehumidifier with a laundy mode setting.  We don't have a tumble drier as it would be hard to fit into the kitchen as although it is not really small a tumble drier would be a step to far.  Had a good time at my niece's 30th birthday last evening and most unlike me I came home a bit merry.  All I had was a spritzer and two small glasses of wine with the meal.  Goes straight to my head now and I get very verbal when I am like that.  My poor sister gets worried in case I fall over but I told her I am more likely to do that when I am stone cold sober.  I certainly can't drink like I did when I was in the Army many years ago.  As I say it was a really nice evening but there was a live band which kicked off at about 9.30 and they were really loud so we came away at 10.30.  I expect there are some sore heads this morning but I feel fine amazingly.

    Tragic new about the Red Arrow pilot that was killed yesteray.  Bournemouth hitting the news again for the wrong reason.  His wife had been watching the display down on the seafront at Bournemouth and my heart goes out to her.  Once again such a young age to die.  They have grounded the team until they hopefully find out what went wrong.  It could have been even worse that it is as it came down quite near to a residential area.

    Brenda  you asked if my niece had a partner.  She had her heart truly broken about 6 years back and said she would not want to go through that again and has not had a boyfriend since.  We all hope that she will find someone but at the moment she has lots of friends male and female and is quite happy to be single.

    ALICAT I thought you and OH would feel stiff now.  Bruising and stiffness usually takes a day or two to come out.

    OH at work but hopefully home by 12.00 so had a bit of time to look in.  Really got to sort out my holiday packing.  Lots of ironing to do which I will do in stages as ironing is not my most favourite thing.

    Have a good day alll and take care. 


  • good morning eyeryone on this thread. It's my first comment here cause for the whole season I have only ever watched the cam and commented on the DU threads. But now I have a severe case of empty nest syndrom which I think can only be cured by meeting all of you in a thread like this.


    first of all my best wishes to Alicat, hope you will soon feel better

    as to weather forecasts: they told us we (Bonn, Germany) would have 31 degrees and high humidty today. the only humid thing we had was heavy rain the whole morning and I think about searching for some woolen socks in the cupboard ...

    In addition I'm a bit out of humour this SUNDAY (!) morning: there is a very small local funfair here in our quarter this weekend. I mean really (!) small. One children's carroussel and one snack stall (correct word?). But we had a drums and fifes band walking by now for 6 (!!) times, starting at 6:55 a.m. this morning... and they seem to know only two different pieces of music...

    To end the comment with much nicer things: amazon uk delivered two great new cookbooks yesterday and I already worked my way through part of the recipes and can't await to try out the first one :-) 




    Cats and women will do as they please. Dogs and men should relax and get used to it.

  • Good Afternoon, Warm and humid here today.
    Such bad news about the Red Arrow pilot.

    AQ, Thanks for starting the week for us

    Margo, Sorry about yet more rain for you. OH is watching the cricket and the forecast said the rain was heading towards the Oval, but it hasn't arrived yet. Glad you were able to enjoy yourself at the party and get 'merry', without any morning after effects.

    Alex, Lovely to see you have joined the Weekly Page too. I see your weather forecast is as 'good' as ours. I did laugh at your description of the band playing the same tunes since 6.55am. I can laugh, as they are not outside our house :-) Is it worse than Bynack ! I hope the recipes turn out well.

  • Margo - you mentioned the air crash being quite close to a residential area.  I had read that he got the plane away from that area before it went down.  Maybe he'd have been able to eject safely otherwise but had to get away from that area.

    I'm decorating our bedroom this weekend.  I HATE painting.  It wouldn't be too bad if it wasn't for all the fiddly bits.  Just about to start the 2nd coat.

  • omg.. the drums and fifes... they are coming again (probably had lunch inbetween).. and they have doubled their forces... but they CHANGED the tune...

    Cats and women will do as they please. Dogs and men should relax and get used to it.

  • Hello.  Thanks to AQ for starting off the week again for us.  Sunny here, and quite warm, so we enjoyed an hour at the allotment this morning picking beans and beetroot.  Just had a salad lunch and now going to chill out for an hour as tired after our week of being busy followed by a (wonderful) trip south yesterday, to see Youngest Son his Wife & our precious Grandchild.  Took lots of photos but some of them are a bit wobbly - must have drunk too much tea or something!  A good journey there & back anyway, and took our Eldest and Girlfriend with us, too. Baby was passed around a lot of laps!

    Alex:  Nice to see you on here, welcome!  My sympathy about the noise on your weekend.

    margo:  Glad you enjoyed yourselves at your niece's party - I too find that I can't drink as much as years ago! - its lack of practice I think!

    trish:  Good Luck with the painting!  think how nice it will be when its done!

    Alicat:  Hope you don't ache so much today - you really are in the wars.

    Terrible news about the Red Arrow crash - I feel that he probably stayed in the plane to make sure of where it came down, so as to save others - a hero.  His wife is rightly very proud indeed of him and the squadron. Hope they can find out the cause so they are not grounded for too long.

  • Afternoon all

    Margo : glad you had a great time last night.

    Alex : Welcome to the weekly thread.

    Trish : I hate most painting too. I dont mind painting fences and sheds but try to avoid interior painting. Not really very good at DIY, thats why I call it Destroy It Yourself.

    Thanks to everyone else for the chat.

    This morning started with thunder and some rain but now the sky is clear and the sun is shining with current temp 20c.

    We went to Dobbies Garden World this morning as they have opened a new branch near Tesco. The car park was really busy and they had stewards to guide you to a space. Got parked up and wandered around for a bit, then the fire alarm went off so we all had to file outside again. Decided to cut our losses and go to Barnwell CP. So from madness to tranquility in the space of 30 minutes. Spent some time in the Kingfisher hide and were rewarded with some great views of one of the kingfishers and managed a few pics:



  • Alex:  Glad they changed the tune at least! - you'll have to buy earplugs.