Daily Update (LG Nest) Sunday, 21st August 2011

So the season extends by yet another day. One wonders if Bynack or Odin will fly away today. The only way to find out is to follow the thread.

There were 316 posts made yesterday.

How long will we have to wonder where Tore is? Is she in France? Is she heading for the sturgeon farm?

  • Alex Z said:

    Mary there should be a sidebar on left of the GE window, with subsections "Search", "places" and "Layers". If not, try to chose "view" in the GE Menu and check "Sidebar" in the second line there.


    If you see the sidebar, look at "Places". There should be the default entry "my places", "sigthseeing tour" and beneath that I found the section "Loch garten Ospreys" and all names and routes


    Thank You Alex - I am sure all these posts from yourself and Scylla were not there the last time I was checking DU, posts just seem to appear from nowhere LOL....

  • Unknown said:

    Mary there should be a sidebar on left of the GE window, with subsections "Search", "places" and "Layers". If not, try to chose "view" in the GE Menu and check "Sidebar" in the second line there.


    If you see the sidebar, look at "Places". There should be the default entry "my places", "sigthseeing tour" and beneath that I found the section "Loch garten Ospreys" and all names and routes


    Thank You Alex - I am sure all these posts from yourself and Scylla were not there the last time I was checking DU, posts just seem to appear from nowhere LOL....

    [/quote]Thank you MARY

    I can imagine the little divices being found on the ground by somebody and they havig no idea of the story and significence behind them

  • patily said:

    Thank you MARY

    I can imagine the little divices being found on the ground by somebody and they havig no idea of the story and significence behind them

    Yes quite so Patily, reports of "did they come from" UFO's come to mind LOL...

  • scylla said:

    Can anybody answer this that I asked the other day, please?

    Will the tracking devices on Bynack and Tore have to be removed by somebody at some point//or do they simply stop sending signals after a given time?


    Q2 Who is it exactly who haven't updated Tore's route?


    I didn't know the answer to your question PATILY, that's why I didn't answer.  I did think, though, that the aerials eventually stop working and fall off :-?


    As for "who are responsible for not updating Tore's route" - why do you want to know?  Are you getting up a vigilante group to punish them? ;-D  Count me in! ;-)

    [/quote]Oh SCYLLA That has really made me laugh Am still chuckling as i write this

    Fraid nothing so dramatic I am afraid  Just curious

  • Morning all and thanks for all the earlier posts,vids and pics. So Bynack the Bold is around for another day. I dont think Odin will be feeding him very often as he will be encouraging Bynack to go by minimal feeding only from now on.