Another daily thread and one wonders how many more there will be of them this year?
Lots of questions but not too many answers.
Tore, as far as we know, has not been seen since around 10am Thursday. Is she winging her way south? We eagerly await her satellite data.
Odin seems to be missing in action too. Has he decided to leave for Africa?
That leave Bynack and EJ left and not a lot of them has been seen yesterday either.
The nest looks very empty and wet tonight.
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Well, if we are all happy then, I'll have my bath and go to bed.
Are we all happy ??????
Love and hugs to the lot of you :) till tomorow
Yes, Cirrus, I agree. Goodnight and sleep well.
Starting a new thread at Daily Update (LG Nest) Saturday, 20th August 2011
@ scylla: Just poking through today's posts to see it is likely Odin is the last one left. I did not catch the yellow moss drop by Odin on Wed since I was out all day. :((
Holding my breath for the Google Earth updates...
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I cant understand this tracking on GE. I have it on and have the osprays listed on the left side. But when i click on it all the old ones come up from 2008, I cant seem to find any tracking from now 2011. Am I doing something wrong ?