Another daily thread and one wonders how many more there will be of them this year?
Lots of questions but not too many answers.
Tore, as far as we know, has not been seen since around 10am Thursday. Is she winging her way south? We eagerly await her satellite data.
Odin seems to be missing in action too. Has he decided to leave for Africa?
That leave Bynack and EJ left and not a lot of them has been seen yesterday either.
The nest looks very empty and wet tonight.
Tiger Signature
He's still in dead tree. although he has turned round A LOT quieter now he gave some beautiful Odin like calls
Through no fault of her own one of my cats got me up at 5.20 so going to try and have a brief doze
An eerie sky this morning.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Still waiting - I did wonder if the 'silence' just meant he'd flown off. At least I think this is Bynack - can't make out the aerial, and without, it could almost be Odin.
Barbara C said: LOL-- maybe his voice is changing just like adolescent boys.
LOL-- maybe his voice is changing just like adolescent boys.
Yes, Scylla, I did listen to it, but with the background of Bynack screaming loud, so totally missed the change in call - and now understand completely Barbara's comment above!!
I don't think it is Odin, Rachel. The chest is not white.
I think I can see the aerial.
His voice broke at the end of that last bout.
Bynack is a character and I love watching him. However, When he is hungry he is so loud and demanding he would send a Saint to the Bar ( Pub)
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
As has been said already this morning, this is so typically Bynack. Beak open yelling, dark forehead and number 47. Why couldn't he always be so easily identifiable.
Gotta go now, have a nice day all. And Bynack, please go and catch yourself a fish LOL
my photos in flickr