Another daily thread and one wonders how many more there will be of them this year?
Lots of questions but not too many answers.
Tore, as far as we know, has not been seen since around 10am Thursday. Is she winging her way south? We eagerly await her satellite data.
Odin seems to be missing in action too. Has he decided to leave for Africa?
That leave Bynack and EJ left and not a lot of them has been seen yesterday either.
The nest looks very empty and wet tonight.
Tiger Signature
You wouldn't tnink he could keep it for so long
I often worry about his throat :-( But every day it starts out afresh :-)
Gosh! Its gone quiet
Well that was short livid....but not quite so raucous
Ssshhhh, don't say a word! ;-)
Off he goes again!
patily said: You wouldn't tnink he could keep it for so long
Human kids can be fairly persistent, too! I was just thinking this is a lot like the harassed mums you see struggling with howling children in supermarkets - it's easy for the childless to criticise, but listening to Bynack, you can totally understand the temptation to give in. Tough love must go against every maternal instinct.
As with kids, though, the pauses are getting longer - he's obviously tiring himself out.
Morning, Scylla, Auntie, Barbara, patily, Kate2 and Rachel. What a noise greeted me 30 minutes ago when I logged on! Oh dear, he really must be a hungry bunny today. I see there is nothing on the main blog, nor an overnight update on GE. I'm not sure when, but I'm out a lot of the day. Going to London, probably to the Nat History Museum before meeting friends for a night at the Proms at the Royal Albert Hall. But I will be here until we leave... if you see what I mean!
So Tore came to take EJ's 0900hr fish on Wednesday 17 August , when she flew ff with it, but returned at 0932 and off again - the last time we saw her. Odin brought in the bright yellow/orange moss that afternoon 16.39hr and I haven't noted any further sighting of him, but I could well have missed a report of that. EJ was last on the nest yesterday 12.55hr fish, so rudely taken by Bynack, who later posed in front of the Centre (I think!), and I thought might have been his farewell, but clearly not!
Did I just hear an adult chirrup?
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
So was that Odin or EJ? Or Bynack making a grown-up noise?
Possibly a mixture of the two?
But if so, why isn't Bynack screaming to the nest. He has suddenly gone silent!
Morning SHEILA - did you watch my tiny video of Bynack under the nest? He made a very adult noise in the midst of a screech :-)