It is that time of year again. The time when the cameras go dark and we are reduced to watching Google Earth and countdown clocks.
I have had so many fantastic moments in 2011 that it is very hard to choose one. However I think that the moment which will live longer than any other is the arrival of EJ at 2.15pm on Thursday 24th March. Now this would normally qualify as moment of the year but in this case it did because that is the exact time I had predicted.
See here
Mind you my trips to Dyfi and Loch Garten were both very special. I have followed ospreys on the internet for 13 seasons now. I think that 2011 was probably the best.
So what were your favourite moments of the osprey season??
Tiger Signature
Tiger a very interesting thread you have started and how you must have felt when EJ arrived bang on time.
I have a lot of moments and to pick a favourite is very difficult, I will and be lovely to see others.
Two for me Tiger, watching Odin arrive, flying in towards EJ on the nest at LG, and hearing the cheer in the background from the centre ((think Alan Petrie posted the video - can't find it right now) and have to say Dyfi has been superb, from the moment Nora (the Rutland Belle as I think she was described) appeared.
Only my second season but thorougly enjoyable.
lofty : It was Alisons video. here it is:
Lofty, yes a wonderful day, I remember commenting on the main blog to someone I cannot remember, EJ was chirruping and we thought Odin was around and he flew in and was it with a fish. The cheers at the centre could be heard.
So many, another springs to mind and one is when that hand appeared in the nest and moved that clump of moss that Odin dumped the year before he left and had taken root. EJ did not like it and was trying to pull it out of the nestcup. That must have been difficult to do and shows how much LG care. wonderful
What a great video :o)
I haven't been here for the whole season, and my favourite moment was before I joined in. It was Bynacks first flight. I felt like a proud mum after willing him to fly for two days. I'm sure that there is video, but I don't know.
Loch Garten stats. and All the important links for LG.
moffer said: What a great video :o) I haven't been here for the whole season, and my favourite moment was before I joined in. It was Bynacks first flight. I felt like a proud mum after willing him to fly for two days. I'm sure that there is video, but I don't know.
Here is the right page for Bynack's first flight.
Thank you Tiger :o)
I'd forgotten how immature he was then compared to now. What a classic landing. What a boy!
My most special moment was being in Dyfi visitor centre with Tiger on Sunday, 5th June watching Monty and Nora's first chick close up on large HD monitor screens.
It was our very last day of a wonderful week's holiday and, despite meticulous planning to ensure we were there during the optimum time for a hatching, we thought we were going to be out of luck. Then suddenly there it was! A hole in one of the eggs. The whole place erupted. Despondency gave way to huge exitement. It was electric.
We watched spellbound as Nora gently loosened the shell around the hole to help the tiny bundle inside and wonderful to watch when later Monty muscled in and settled down to brood the hatching chick. The first time we have ever seen a male osprey do that. He was so attentive, wouldn't budge from Nora's side and they both looked thoroughly smitten with it all. As were we! In fact Monty was so smitten that we had to keep shouting at him, and Nora, for getting in the way of our viewing! :)
To add to the excitement, while all this was happening, a hole had appeared in a second egg! Although this chick was not to completely hatch until early the following morning we felt that we had at least had a share in it.
Agree Tiger. 2011 certainly has been a very special year in oh so many ways.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Tiger, my favourite moment was seeing the fantastic photos of Odin the Magnificent, taken by Valmcc. In the one of Odin with outstretched wings he looks like a beautiful angel and we all saw then what EJ must have seen in him!
My most heart-stopping moment was watching Bynack roll over down the side of the nestcup, and quite literally fight for his life. He made numerous efforts to right himself, and of course, he managed. But at the time it wasn't clear to those of us watching that he would make it. Tore noticed him struggling but was powerless.
Daisy Ray Here is the picture you talk of.