What will today bring I wonder. Will Tore fight back or go fishing for herself? Will Bynack stop screeching and become independent? All part of a day in the life of...ospreys!
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Unknown said: Hi Lindy and Alex. Yes, it's definitely an Osp. Welcome back Patily EDIT when does CC come back from her hols?
Hi Lindy and Alex. Yes, it's definitely an Osp. Welcome back Patily
EDIT when does CC come back from her hols?
Thanks for thinking of me - I have dearly missed being on the forum daily, and also feeling rather guilty for defaulting on the video front. :( But happy to see others have picked up my slack, doing a VERY good job. :) I find it extremely difficult to ID the tweens now.
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
one of the youngsters is back... as I can't see the back of his head, I leave it up to the antenna specialists to identifiy Torby
Cats and women will do as they please. Dogs and men should relax and get used to it.
"Now that's the back of my head, smarty pants. Come on, say who I am..."
VERY bad hair day for Torby!!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Hi EVERYONE, Well, what do you know, first time in a while I get to work from home and it's been quite on the nest for HOURS! (Hmmm, maybe my fault then? LOL) Just been rather naughty and caught up with yesterday's DU and today's. Brilliant commentary and fab pics EVERYONE, thank you. Thank you also to Scylla, Cirrus, Moffer, Alan & RtB for the great videos :))
Am I right in thinking then that Odin has not been seen since his 11.36 a.m. visit with the fish tail YESTERDAY?? Or maybe I was reading through the posts too quickly and missed something??
Juve been on wide-cam for a while, at first I thought Tore ... now I'm not sure :o
That's a back of head shot which should be helpful!!! (Not!?)
Is this any more helpful??!! Love the piercing eye ...
not helpfull at all *sigh* ... too much of a punklady (or punkboy?)
I did not see Odin today or read any comment on him being seen today, but I would have to check again for his last appearance yesterday
Odin with fish @ 17.05. Bynack has it
Loch Garten stats. and All the important links for LG.
Was that Odin bringing the second fish of the day ? I flipped a page at the crucial moment
No prizes for guessing who got it