A day closer to migration. People are asking if EJ has gone already? I guess that we will soon know an answer to that.
Tiger Signature
Thanks for starting the new DU, Tiger. Thanks to everyone for all the brilliant posts, pics, vids etc in the DUs since I last posted there.
All quiet on the LG nest. Honestly can't believe how fast this season has flown by. Perhaps its to do with the Osprey's tactic of growing their bobbleheids. "Instant raptors. Just add fish." :-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
LOL! Very funny. Nice to see you, Paul. I hope everything is going okay in your life.
Thank you Tiger! :-) Hello Heron, nice to see you again :-) Hi Di ;-)
Tore hasn't been nearly as prominent as Bynack since they've "grown up".
Was just looking at Google Earth again - I'm sure the latest view has already been posted but here it is again. I was struck by how much further afield Tore has been recently.
Just going to find some "bobbleheid" video, for old times' sake ;-)
Not terribly "bobbleheidy" because my first video was 6 June. And there's no sound, can't remember what program I used. Still, it's nostalgic and shows the whole family and it may be very quiet again today :-)
EDIT: It's nearly 15 minutes long, and that's with the middle cut out :o However, just a peep is nice.
Odin brings a fish to EJ and the children:
Evening all:
Nice to see you Heron (not that I've been here much recently). Nest is - hmmmm- empty and I'm off to bed.
Morning all
Just captured these two as I logged on.
Eeek! My stream had gone down :o Anyway, I've got the two here now and am not sure if a fish has just been delivered or not - it might be a stick under Bynack's feet. Dang!!!
'What are we waiting for another Fish. Lets go get em in that big wide world.LOL!!
It's a fish all right. EJ delivered it, Tore seemed to stay on the edge observing while Bynack claimed it - noisily of course.
I wouldn't have realised anything was wrong if you hadn't posted that stillcam shot, KATE, thanks very much! :-)