Daily Update (LG Nest) Monday, 8th August, 2011

Another day, a day nearer to the end of the season.  There is a lot of speculation about when EJ will disappear.

EJ has been very variable in her migration dates but in more recent years she has been  late August sort of girl.

2003   5th August

2004   31st July (she left the nest before 3rd chick had fledged) (Possible sighting on 6th August) and last seen on  August 10

2005   18th August

2006   20th August

2007   19th August

2008   14th August

2009    27th August

2010    21st August

2011     ???????


I would have thought that she might be around for another seven days at the very least.

  • The videos CC &SCYLLA of Odin egg cupping and this one of him bringing that huge branch are absolutely bautiful.......and he is such a magnificent bird Thank you so much once again for this footage

    Did you see the quote I supplied from "The  Scottish Ospreys" about how the branches are obtained......mainly through breaking them off themselves Amazing!

    Bye for now

  • Amazing, Patily

    Amazing is the word that actually sums everything up, says it all, about these fantastic birds without whom we would not exist as a lovely, friendly and enthusiastic group of like-minded people.

  • patily said:

    Did you see the quote I supplied from "The  Scottish Ospreys" about how the branches are obtained......mainly through breaking them off themselves Amazing!


    Yes I did, PATILY, and I meant to thank you for it but have been waylaid by all sorts so please forgive me :-*  Funny, because that's exactly what I had been wondering about.  Really must get that book :-)


    Here is Bynack landing at 1830hr having lost his fish, I think.  Believe it or not, he rants for HALF AN HOUR before his dear mum EJ brings him another big fish.  I have cut loads out of this but I don't think anything "interesting" has been lost, however I will watch every minute of the original when I get time (and I have hundreds of hours of vid I'm saying that about ;-) ).



  • No sight of Tore since around lunchtime?  Maybe she's stealing Bynack's fish off-cam ;-)

  • Here's Odin with another mossy branch @ about 1905hr:

    Nearly finished, just a reported visit by Bynack to find.

  • Scylla, thanks so much for your sterling work with the recording and editing :-) :-) I have bookmarked those clips, there are some great moments to look back on when the season is over. That was a big fish for Bynack, delivered as is now usual with the head on. I hope he doesn't drop it! I was volunteering at LG last week, and we saw/heard of several instances of him dropping his fish, the silly boy. I can also report that he is very audible from the hide even with the microphone turned off! He is quite a character, and I'm sure many people will be following him with particular interest.

    On which note, thanks too to the person who pointed me to Richard's new blog, and the updates to the Google Earth tracking data. It seems Tore is becoming particularly adventurous, and it's nice to be able to get an idea of what she was up to when she was away from the nest for hours! BTW I talked to the guy who downloads the tracking data, and apparently they get readings for these two every hour, so there's a lot to sort through before the most important points are uploaded to the GE dataset.

    OK I'm off to roost myself now. Goodnight all.

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not too sure about the universe..." - Albert Einstein

  • Just going to creep in before a new thread is started for tomorrow with this video of Bynack at around 7.30pm - I have cut out LOTS of the screeching, so we have a pensive Bynack to look back on.  I couldn't get all the screeching out though, that wouldn't be right ;-)

    Now to read ROBERT'S post :-)