Hi All:
jsb: At the end of the previous Weekly Chat are two responses to your posting about the birds with French accents. One is from me and not especially profound. The other is from Diane, and reads as follows : Lovely article. I always have two pairs of house wrens (known as jenny wrens here) who return about the same time in the spring. Even though both females are house wrens, I can always tell which bird is singing, no matter where they are. I don't know whether the slight difference is because they winter in different regions or because individual wrens have distinct sounds. I always put up houses for them, but, this year, one pair decided that it would be more fun to nest in the nook above my propane gas tank, where the dials and controls are. So I had to fiercely guard the nest from the gas company employees who periodically check the gas levels. The gas company guys think I'm looney but they didn't dare to defy me and bother the wrens!
Everyone: AQ posted this one: Adelaide 10.50 am 12 C. Pumpkin soup for lunch thanks to friend giving me 2 large butternuts. Today is the Bay to Birdwood Classic for cars 1956-1977. Once upon a time they left from Glenelg (the Bay), but lack of space means they now leave from West Beach (2 km north). They travel about 70 km (44 miles) to Birdwood in the Adelaide Hills where there is a Motor Museum. Next year is the run for the Vintage cars (pre-1956). A picnic day. A bit chilly today but not as chilly as Wattle's.
And Teresa had this tip: If you delete something by mistake it is worth holding the Ctrl key down and clicking on Z. In lots of instances it undoes your last action - not always though but still worth a try.
AQ and Teresa: Hope it was okay to copy and paste your comments on this page - didn't want anyone to miss them.
jsb said: Jukka; see 2 posts on.......... http://www.rspb.org.uk/community/groups/lochgartenospreys/forum/p/3609/40278.aspx#40278
Jukka; see 2 posts on..........
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Hi Annette
Always seem to miss you "live as it were" Hope you're AOK. I'll catch up with blogs later. Night Night. Tish xx
Well, Tish, someone's pinched my name for the Autumn watch blog. Good job I only want to make the one comment I did make LoL :)
This is one of the funniest things that I have ever seen. I laughed until my stomach hurt, and I openly wept.
This is a clip from the British series, "Last Chance to See." Over here in the U.S., we can't watch this series because we can't view the BBC iPlayer. The YouTube link is directly from the BBC website, so the BBC released this clip themselves.The segment was included in the original program shown on the BBC, and tonight the clip was shown on "The Rachel Maddow Show" on MSNBC in the U.S. Since it has been widely distributed on TV in Britain and the U.S., I am assuming that I can post the link here without getting into trouble because of the content. If you are very, very easily offended, please don't watch it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T1vfsHYiKY LOL LOL LOL!!!
You can learn more about the very rare Kakapo here on the "Last Chance to See" website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/lastchancetosee/sites/animals/kakapo
Hi all: Been a long, busy few days. Phew!
Cirrus: I'm assuming the Google Earth Help menu/community aren't any help. What a pain. You are double-clicking on that Yellow marker and entering the info in the dialog box, right?
jsb/Auntie: Great shots of Jukka - thanks.
Hey TIsh: All well here. Just really busy with final decisions on kitchen remodel (halogen vs. xenon vs. fluorescent lights) It's overwhelming, and these days the building codes really restrict incandescent lighting in kitchens; a certain percentage has to be fluorescent (thank heaven the light isn't as cold and ghastly as it used to be). Tomorrow is my daughter's birthday, so I've been whizzing around looking for prezzies. We're taking her out to dinner tomorrow night at The Hitching Post (the restaurant featured in the movie Sideways). She lives right around the corner from it; it's a very casual place where the locals eat (not to mention the tourists who saw the movie).
Diane: That clip is HYSTERICAL! I shrieked with laughter. What a hoot! If the kakapo is threatened by extinction, it can only blame itself!! :-))))) (Oh, by the way, the oven cleans itself - and should shop and cook too, for the price we paid!)
I laughed until I was weak over that sly, intense bird's face and then the sound of the bird's wings battering the guy. Then, at the end, the bloodied, dazed photographer says, "I'm not sure I have to take that," and I started laughing and weeping all over again!
Times must be tough for male kakapos...... :-)
I know that I shouldn't be laughing. Please, nobody yell at me. These birds are very seriously endangered. I applaud the extreme efforts to save them. (They have been moved to predator-free islands in an attempt to recover their numbers.) God love 'em, somebody needs to save these fantastic birds!
Oh, and be sure to read about its mating call! http://www.bbc.co.uk/lastchancetosee/sites/animals/kakapo
Thanks for the reminder about "Last Chance to See" - loved the clip! I hadn't been following this series, but will definitely watch the kakapo episode which is on Sunday night in the UK. You may get to see it - BBC nature programme are often made in partnership with US networks, and perhaps the clip screening on MSNBC was a preview?