Starting a new thread with a look back at yesterday - a clip that I've foreshortened, Tore eating the 1810hr fish and flying off with it, then some time cut out, then Bynack coming to look for food (I reckon) and being unlucky and very frustrated and cross.
Dear Scylla, I LOVE this recording of Bynack's outrage. They have grown so much more in my absence.
I know how you feel about taking the vids - without them we would not have the records for our memories. But I agree with others that while it brings much satisfaction to record the witnessing of the community, I also hope that you do keep your health in mind. For I NEED your excellent remarks and incisive observations. Sometimes I miss what is REALLY happening when I am processing video.
It is the best when there are a few people processing video at the same time, so we know there will be duplication and don't need to be shouldering the entire responsibility for recording LG's history. I mean, I would feel just the same as you if I were the only one recording events. So I am sorry I am leaving you ALONE in this most engrossing and compelling task!
This witness to the osprey season arouses our reflection of our own human nature, but condensed into a few summer months, in a way that is many people recognize as being SO MUCH BETTER than a soap opera, which is boring because our manipulative human tendencies are depressing to us! We humans rationalize our actions - osprey don't. Osprey are refreshingly sincere. That is what is so addicting for me, and to have a community for company is just plain luxurious.
Now is the end of the season. Action on the nest is sparser. It is unreasonable to expect your faithful observance and record which we have grown so dependent upon!! But as a relative newbie, I also treasure your views and participation in keeping the community together. That is what I treasure most of all here, and your participation is crucial! So don't burn out on us please, (((scylla)))! What would happen I HATE to think!
xxx and ooo from Cathy (CC)
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
That is a beautiful message CC. I hope you treasure it SCYLLA and also remember that as much as we love your videos we wouldn't want to enjoy them at the expense of your health.
I feel quite concerned that Bynack "went to bed" on an empty stomach. Is that common at this stage?
Ghostly image of osprey atop the dead tree. No idea who.
What lovely messages - I don't suppose that my manipulative human nature had anything to do with it? :-p Joking aside, I sincerely appreciate and treasure them, it's so lovely to feel one has made a contribution :-x
I was just going to post yet another capture of the ghostly bird, who was not only there last night but has been there for several hours now - it looks so uncomfortable but that's me anthropomorphosing (or anthropomorphosising, depending how many syllables you can cope with)... ;-D
The ghost has now moved a little and looks like a juve as there is a distinct impression of an aeriel.
Confirming Patily's info:
Quick look in again.
CC: I'm just two hours north of Los Angeles. Hope you've got some nice places on your itinerary!
EJ & Odin both on the nest EJ softly calling the kids or Odin and so far the kids have not come. I can't see if either of them have a fish
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
EJ has a fish,
Neither Tore nor Bynack came after EJ called for a long time. First Odin flew off and then she flew off with the fish
EJ had a fish Barbara