July21, Thursday 9:06 p.m Ohio USA; Friday 2:o6 am UK
BRIGHT & BREEZY, as you see I am acting on your suggestion to update THE GABFEST thread. Btw, earlier I switched back to the cam to check out the noise you talked about, but by the time I got there all was quiet, as it is now at an empty nest. Now, at 2:37 I hear a cheep that does not sound like an osprey on the nest. Also another bird sound that I cannot describe.SUNSHINE< I too like it here at THE GABFEST. I feel a freedom here that I never did on the main blog. I felt there like my comments always turned out too long & if I wanted to vere off onto another topic I didn't feel I should do that. Here, who cares? I do hope we can keep the GABFEST going, but there is no point in keeping it open if no one else is interested just to talk to myself. . If the three of us keep it open, maybe eventually others will find & join us to chat about what interests them.
Hi Valc, I have been checking some of our pages and notice you are from County Down, Ireland. Sounds delightful to me. I think as the winter progresses I will add a bit more to mine. Maybe how I first got "hooked" into EJ watching.
HELLO FOLKS i have been a bit quite for the past few days ..
KEITH you asked tricky about heather , he did not reply, do you think he is shy,, also bright & breezy would not hide to do her courting ..you see all ACOMB girls did their courting on the village green..
hi Valc my ancesters went to ireland in 1172 to help the irish , also my brother married an irish girl..
finally JUNE , tomorrow is the start of a new month. will i log on to see a new ( GABFEST FOR SEPTEMBER)
I think our family of ospreys will be ok . they may even say hello to LEMAC when the fly past him
Hi there Sunshine nice to see you, Hello to you Valc. June I was thinking on the same lines about Bynack, hope he veers South West. Still early days.
I cannot stop had to bring work home grrr.
I will catch up soon and miss chatting.
Bye for now
ChrisS nice to see someone like me, I am making myself read more lol.
Really got to gol
Yes, June I am from Bangor, Co Down, Northern Ireland. Right at the top of the Ards Peninsula. Bangor is on the coast and has Black Guillemots which nest in the harbour walls. They didn't do so well this year because of crows. The road around the coast from Bangor Bay to Groomsport (about 3 miles) is alongside the shore and there are many seabirds on the rocks including herons. We had a hump backed whale out in the bay a couple of months ago but I didn't know about it until it was too late!!! the Ards Peninsula is lovely with the sea on one side and Strangford Lough at the other. It is famous for wildlife.
SUNSHINE, good to see you back. I have been thinking also that it may be time to start a new GABFEST thread. We now have over 50 pages on this thread. Maybe now at the end of one season and going into winter is exactly the right time to start a new one.
Of course the old thread (this one that I am now typing on) will sink into oblivion, but I think it would be there on the back pages for a while if any one really wanted to refer to it. I have been thinking that in the slow winter months ahead, I might read back and comment on some interesting statements that were made, but passed over in the busy summer activities.
Don't work too hard, B&B.
Hi, MILLY, I have a feeling you are right here, just out of sight. Don't let those grandkids keep you TOO busy.
TIGER, I thought for sure you'd have some info about osprey over the Alps.
EVERYBODY, Watch for the new GABFEST thread. The new thread, when it is opened, will have exactly the same title: LG OSPREY GABFEST. You probably won't know it IS a new thread, except you'll wonder what happened to all the old comments.
Valc, how interesting! I will definitely explore later this evening.
Look it up on Google Earth June!
Sunshine - I think he is worried his mother may look in or else he does not know about roamin in the gloamin.
June - my routing for Bynack if he continues this heading is as you say down the foot of Italy and probably through Libya. I do not follow the Finland birds but know Tiger follows them - not sure if they detour the alps and head through Italy. I imagine the Russian Ospreys will travel down through Libya maybe towards Middle East and East Africa. The two big Islands are Corsica (France) and Sardinia (Italy). I imagine he will do a turn towards the west soon.
Off to Spey valley tomorrow and staying overnight - Bye see you all later.
Keith, thanks for the info. Have a good trip.