High starting off thread with a ghostly picture. Been high drama through the day - some of it quite comical. Bynack kept us entertained with his prolonged screeching at one point. In other words a quite normal day for our osprey family.!!!!!!
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
I don't know which GEM has the fish ... I'm so bad at IDing them :-( I can hear the other one screeching off stage ... and EJ standing around to see if she is needed.
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Bynack has the whale.
Thanks Sandy and Daisy Ray! The only way I can tell, is if I get a good look at the back of the head ... I know Tore has a very red nape.
Hi and welcome MUSTANG :-) CC has a Mac, much to my chagrin cos she does spiffing videos on it ever so fast :-) Anyway, maybe she can help, but it probably depends on whether she's familiar with the Lion OS. They do a Snow Leopard, don't they? That's magnetic sounding ;-)
At this rate (or decibels) I wonder if Bynack's voice will start to wear out before he leaves.
I go for a shower and miss another delivery :(
Well it looks like Bynack has it and EJ is keeping her distance. Wise old bird. She's been here before. That fish is HUGE. Plenty for all I think. Can you hear Tore calling. She wants some too, and she's just arrived on the nest.
Loch Garten stats. and All the important links for LG.
Bynack's voice sounds a bit like Rod Stewart on a bad day, nutmeg grater!
He's stopped screaming and is eating again. Tore is complaining. EJ rises above it :)
Good description, Moffer ;-D
Here's the fish delivery, I forgot all about it - time for a crash, I think.
Bynack will end up sounding like Middle chick last year ... nicknamed 'Quackers' by some people :-)
[VIDEO] Are You Gonna Stand On That Fish Or Eat It, Son?
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
Glorious scene: