I offered yesterday to start a new Topic once Bynack had fledged, but as we now have the updated Satellite Tracking page, and biography pages for Tore and Bynack, and there are some tracking results for Tore on Google Earth, I’ve gone ahead with it.
A brief introduction to the ospreys we’re tracking – first, the class of 2011.
Tore – link to her Biography
Tore is the elder of this year’s juveniles, her ring is blue/white 48. She fledged on Tuesday 12th July aged 54 days, and has started to do a little exploring.
Bynack – link to his Biography
Tore’s younger brother, ring blue/white 47. Bynack is aged 53 days today and has yet to fledge.
Edit: He has fledged, at 10.18 am today 16/7.
Rothes – link to her Biography
Rothes is the eldest of EJ and Odin’s offspring, hatched at Loch Garten in 2009. Her ring is white/black PJ. She migrated as a juvenile to Guinea-Bissau, and spent her formative months on the small island of Unhocomozinho, in the Bijagos Archipelago. Now a sub-adult, she has travelled north to Europe for the first time this summer and is currently in the Gironde estuary in SW France, where she also spent 6 weeks on her way south in 2009. So far, she has not returned to the UK.
Rothes' earlier travels were followed in this thread, now closed.
Thats strange I have just un-ticked all the ospreys on GE except Bynack and Tore and I have got Bynack moving from Leri right down to be with Tore (confused?)
Has anybody else got the same or have I pressed the wrong key on me laptop (again!)
A very old Shropshire Lad.
There have been some errors with data input, that looks like one. But wouldn't it be toooo wonderful if our dear Bynack had joined our dear Tore? :-*
Goodwill to {{{Leri}}} and Frederic.
Chris S If you mean this, I'm sure it's a keying error - I think one of Tore's points has been entered into Bynack's file.
I have pointed it out to LG in the blog, but will chase them again - I see Bynack has made another trip to Chad!
CHRIS S I have Bynack spending a few hours on 31 Oct around the marshy area where Leri had been before she moved towards Mengueye, on 29 Oct at 21.00hr. He then appeared to do a large SW/NE loop, returning close to the area he may have roosted on 30 Oct, NNE of Mengueye. I hope that helps.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
deleted because on the wrong thread :)
D'oh SUE C is right I even remember reading it on the blog.
Sorry I will just sit quiet at the back for the rest of the night.
Frederic has now posted a blog about Bynack's travels on Oct 30th and 31st - he's wondering if he might have caught sight of him on 30th, either in Bango where he lives, or while out searching for Leri. Have put the question to the LG team in the blog.
Sandra - he says the buildings you wondered about, are greenhouses for raising tomatoes.
Thanks for the link SUE C. It is wonderful to have a man on the ground looking specifically for Leri and Bynack, and of course Joe. AutumnWatch will be really interesting on Friday.
But they havent given much time to the ospreys in previous programmes and I feel they deserve longer. I hope for better news of Leri and that Bynack moves. Looks very dry where he is
New thread started by Julie Q on the latest movements of Tore and Bynack here.