What will today bring?
Will Bynack toughen up and grab fish from big sis?
Will he fledge?
Watch this space!
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Thank you Lindybird! Next year I will not be asking so my questions ;)
I DO hope you will ask questions, Hazel - we all do, and I am certainly no expert, just somene who's been fascinated by these birds for a few years.
I'm signing off now, before my OH asks for a divorce again!
Lindybird said: They usually seem to start out being quite close, but grow apart as they mature - especially when they have to fight for their food! In the past, we have seen some instances of 'togetherness' and also others of antagonism. These two seem to have been able to be close, due probably to there being plenty of food, so not too much rivalry there.
They usually seem to start out being quite close, but grow apart as they mature - especially when they have to fight for their food! In the past, we have seen some instances of 'togetherness' and also others of antagonism. These two seem to have been able to be close, due probably to there being plenty of food, so not too much rivalry there.
Do you think another reason they are so close is that much of thier rapid growing period was spent eating fish and then lying cramped very close together for endless hours on end underneath EJ as the weather was so dire for days on end?
Just bringing the fish report forward! For Cirrus upon her return.
Tore, Bynack please keep safe and well ... I'm offline now for two weeks (holiday) and am really curious about what will await me here when I'm back
oh and not to forget: god bless you EJ and Odin, you have once again been wonderful parents this year
Cats and women will do as they please. Dogs and men should relax and get used to it.
Hazel B said: Just bringing the fish report forward! For Cirrus upon her return.
No disrespect to you, Cirrus, when you return, but don't you think, Hazel, we've managed reasonably well on the ID front today??!! Between ALL of us who have posted I mean.
Hazel B said: Hazel, In all the excitement did you pick up that there was a fish @ 04.39
Hazel, In all the excitement did you pick up that there was a fish @ 04.39
Phew! Calming myself down now!! I did, thank you soooo much Pam and Brenda for your input :))) Was about to post a new fish report when ... Odin delivered another fish and Bynack had us all flying with him (in our heads!) but obviously he ain't quite ready yet ... but, bless his heart, he so wants to be out there .......
So, collective fish report:
Okay, forgive me, I'm getting a little tired now! Trying that again. Just bringing the fish report forward ..
Alex Z said: Tore, Bynack please keep safe and well ... I'm offline now for two weeks (holiday) and am really curious about what will await me here when I'm back
Alex, have a really super and relaxing time. What a mammoth read when you return!!
Catching up with the script again ... Daisy ... I think we have and I think Cirrus will be relieved! She has taught us well :)