3:50 am Fri Scotland; 10:50 pm Thurs Ohio USA        Good morning and welcome to the second edition of our new chat thread home away from home. You will notice the name has been shortened.  This sounds like a keeper to me.  What do you think?

With morning breaking over the nest and background, all is quiet as Tore & Bynack preen themselves.  Will today be the day Tore (6 days the oldest) takes to the sky for the first time??  I just don't think so, but then whenever I venture to guess the future behavior of any of our family I'm usually wrong. Lots of exciting watching in store for us, anyway.

  • Good evening June.  Good for you starting a new thread. I usually post on the Weekly Chat page (and have a hard time keeping up with that, especially with the site being so slow right now). Looks like you've got a flock of followers on here already!  

  • Hello, Annette We had sort of developed a community over on the main blog and I for one wanted to maintain some of that identity rather than being swallowed up in large already established threads.  Apparently others felt the same way and we seem to be off & running here.  Hope you will join us frequently.  

  • evening/ morning JUNE  another new thread and another beautiful day here in yorkshire - england. to foreward to more chat. TORE and BYNAK are resting ,, for new adventures maybe.. i think by tomorrow we will have seen the first flight

  • Hi June/Annette. Thanks for the clarification on the different threads June. I will be an infrequent guest at the moment as I can't keep up with the weekly chatter thread, let alone this one! lolol. Good luck with it

  • I understand June - Facebook has another whole community going too. One day we should have a big party and all get together!

    GARY: Hallo there - thought you'd been abducted by aliens or even raptured!  :-)

  • Annette, LOLOL on the raptured!! Got to wait till October now (apparently..)

    A big party sounds a great idea:)

  • Annette, LOLOL on the raptured!! Got to wait till October now (apparently..)

    A big party sounds a great idea:)

  • No fledging yet, no doubt it will happen as soon as I go away.

    Hi Annette and Gary, nice to see you

  • Gary,and Annette, too, please don't term yourself a "guest" here.  Come in whenever you can & feel right at home - one of "us", whoever "us" might  be at the moment.

         In the past, I have spent most of my osprey time on the main blog and LG cam. That, plus checking in on Daily Update occasionally, kept me busy! Not really interested in other nests unless something unusual happens, such as Lady's near death last summer. What tragedy & drama and what a surprise ending.  No wonder her long time fans were in tears.

         Now still keeping up with the main blog, & hoping to get this thread established, plus the extreme slowness of getting from one blog or even page to another, I'm having difficulty finding time to watch Tore & Bynack, which after all is the object of this game, isn't it?

         Also I'm trying to get acquainted with other threads and am finding that many people post regularly on several threads.  Tiger, for example, seems to be everywhere.

         Sunshine, what happened to all your chairarm travelers?  

         B&B have you already started your real-life Journey?   Enjoy!

         And Milly, missed you today.  Are you busy with that new grandbaby or still waiting? Is it a boy or girl and what is it's name (not soliciting personal or identifying information, you understand.

          Hope to find time later this evening (your

  • My typing space is acting strangely.  Maybe I talked too much & used all of it up.  Anyway in the middle of your night, I hope to find some time to watch our LG nest and make some comments if there is anything at all happening.