A new day. It is day 50 for Tore today. Will she fledge today?
Personally I do not think so as it is still very early in the fledging window and young ospreys usually spend some time staring down before taking the plunge. No sign of Tore doing any staring yet.
I notice that there were 392 posts in yesterday's thread. That really is busy!
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Hi PAM :-D We know you're there :-*
Hi JOAN, sorry you're not feeling well, I'm not up to much either :(
Hi SHEILA, you're not alone in your ID inadequacy ;-D
Hi CC, it's great to know that the nest is as hygienic as I felt it must be.
As for nest, it got kinda deserted.
Hello BRENDA and SCYLLA. Yes, thinking about it one of the calls could well have been Odin. Perhaps they decided to go fishing together!
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HI SHEILA, BRENDA and SCYLLA. EJ was alarm calling and thats why the youngsters hit the deck. Think all is clear now. You will probably get this post about an hour from now, the speed my posts are appearing at!!
Loverley video I like the way Tore looks around at the end to see if the others are impressed and EJ and Bynack have their backs to her Ahhhh!
I wondered why nothing was happening, and then realised the cam had stopped and needed refreshing.... but nothing appears to have changed. Bynack and Tore still lying side by side, just chilling.
Oh and now they start a bit of chuntering, and made a move to get up, but its all too much effort. Bynack chats, Tore puts out a comforting wing!
EJ has just popped back to make sure our two are OK, moves a twig around and they chunter at the lack of a fish.
Oh Yes Sheila. Just noticed that my page needed refreshing. EJ has arrived. Woken the family.
I think it is Tore making the most noise!
She has moved off camera
EH is back again.