A new day. It is day 50 for Tore today. Will she fledge today?
Personally I do not think so as it is still very early in the fledging window and young ospreys usually spend some time staring down before taking the plunge. No sign of Tore doing any staring yet.
I notice that there were 392 posts in yesterday's thread. That really is busy!
Tiger Signature
Thanks CC. She didn't put up a fight to hold on to the fish.
Lindybird said: .....that nest must smell awful, now....
.....that nest must smell awful, now....
Actually, osprey nests don't smell of fish at all, surprisingly. Mother osprey are fastidious in picking up scraps and cleaning the nest. When I went banding a couple summers ago, I was amazed to see how clean and odor-free the nest was. The chicks didn't smell either, and felt soft and clean. Amazing since osprey do not have much of a sense of smell...
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
Unknown said: Thanks CC. She didn't put up a fight to hold on to the fish.
Yes, Tore is a lovely older sister. I also like how EJ stood back when the fish arrived. She is such a good mum, isn't she? Maybe it is all in the instincts to have the chicks learn so they can survive... He is at the end of that fish now.
Here's the "Takeover" :))
[video of Tore letting Bynack drag the fish away]
Coo ek , That was easy ! Thank you CC
Thanks for that info, CC - surprising what we just assume - I did notice though, that EJ is fastidious about clearing up after a meal, and chucks out all other debris she doesnt want on the nest, too.
(reply re the possible smell of the nest..)
I'm off for a haircut now, enjoy your watching.
Just logged on again to see someone, not sure who, eating an Odin fish, being watched by the other!
Haven't watched much today, so thanks for posts and pics and vids ... I'm feeling a bit 'yuck', so was lying down!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
I'm off, too, and so glad I was around to see this very peaceful fish sharing day, even though there has been only one brought by EJ (be it so HUGE) and another by Odin (not tiny either). I just wish Bynack would stop taking jabs at his mum... See you all later! lovelovelove